Pick your Posion (chapter 5)

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I quickly figured out that I had very bad timing to suddenly become the best. Tomorrow was my day in the arena. So, Chadwick trained me some more, fed and watered me, and made sure I was ready.

When Garrett returned, he was as impressed as Chadwick was. At the end of the day, I walked proudly into my kennel and shut my eyes.
"Good luck tomorrow, pup," Cyborg said from his cage.
"Don't worry about me, big guy, I'll be fine." I assured him.

The next day, I awoke to Garrett and Chadwick by my side. I was walked into the arena with confidence.
"Good luck, Luna!" My trainers said.
People were placing bets the second I came out. No one bet on me, which I was fine with. This is nothing new. I felt anxious the second I saw the shadow of my opponent. Then the chants started. "X-ray! X-ray!" They chanted. Then a doberman appeared. It snapped and barked at me. Then the voice of Mr. Clarkson yell, "FIGHT!"

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