Chapter 1- Noble Actual

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Epsilon Eridani System

Planet Reach

July 24, 2552, 07:28 hours

B312 stared down at his helmet, unsure of what to make of the state of the universe. The Covenant had been a single unifying force across human controlled space. Since before he was born, any time the UNSC fought the Covenant, it almost always ended in a slaughter. Ground engagements typically ended in stalemates or a scarce victory, but those wins were few and far between.

B312 shifted his thoughts to the current situation. Although it was the second time he was assigned to a team, it still didn't sit right. He would have thought the near loss of both his life and the life of a Spartan II would have been enough to deter ONI Section 3 from placing him in another team. It wasn't that he disliked the Spartan II his previous engagement, nor did his have any issues with the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers they had to work with. He was a lone wolf, worked best alone and dealt more with Special Operations behind enemy lines or HVTs at ONI discretion. Not only that, he was joining a team of Spartans to replace a member who had sacrificed himself to take out a Covenant carrier.

If nothing else, B312 held a deep respect for those willing to give the ultimate sacrifice. It was his second reason as to why he respected the Marines and ODSTs more than other Spartans. No augmentations, no highly classified and ridiculously expensive armor, just guts and grit. They were the heroes of this war. Not the super soldiers like him.

Not the monsters.

He put on his helmet as they approached the UNSC outpost he was ordered to report to.

"Sir, we've arrived," the driver of his Warthog said in an Australian accent, sliding to a stop. A cursory glance at his shoulder informed him this was a Private First Class. Given his younger, albeit slightly grizzled appearance, he must've only recently joined and saw more in his first few months than most do in decades.

"Thank you. What's your name, Marine?" B312 asked, stepping out of the vehicle. The Marine looked taken aback. Most Spartans never bothered to ask for a name from your average foot soldier, leaving the PFC with a sparkling grin as he sat straighter.

"Chips, sir. Chips Dubbo," the PFC replied, B312 nodding.

"Let's kill some Covies, yeah?" he asked excitedly, causing the Spartan to smirk under his helmet.

"Let's kill some Covies," B312 replied, nodding his head before making his way towards the outpost entrance as Dubbo drove off. A fellow Spartan III was sitting in a UH-144 Falcon while loading a sniper magazine while B312 brushed the tail of the vehicle with his hand as he passed. Upon entering, he was finally face to face with Noble Team. The first of the team he noticed was Emile-A239, sharpening a kukri on his Security shoulder armor. The Spartan III paused upon realizing he was being stared at. There was a sense of recognition behind the decorated visor as the CQC expert of the team also noticed B312's left Security shoulder armor.

"... Office of Naval Intelligence believes the deployment of a Spartan team is a gross misallocation of valuable resources... I disagree," Colonel Holland informed B312's new team leader.

B312 took a step forward, ready to meet with Carter-A259 only for a mechanical arm to stop him, almost placed on his chest. Catherine-B320 looked from the newest member of Noble Team to their leader and alerted the latter of the new Spartan. The woman in teal-blue MJOLNIR Mk.V armor lowered her arm, turning to the team lead before speaking.

"Commander," she said, the man wearing navy blue armor briefly turning back to see B312 standing before them.

"So that's our new Number 6." Jorge-052 said, B312 immediately noting the size difference between himself and the Spartan II. The hyper-lethal Spartan III to step into the center of the room to listen in on the briefing.

"Kat, you read his file?" the only other Spartan still wearing his helmet asked, gesturing the blade towards their new member.

"Only the parts that weren't covered in black ink," the tech specialist replied, a bit of sarcasm to her voice. Noble Leader seemed to be all business as he turned back to the screen he was viewing.

"Anyone claim responsibility, sir?" he asked, focusing everyone's attention back to the matter at hand.

"ONI thinks it might be the local insurrection. Five months ago, they pulled a similar job on Harmony; hit a relay to take out our eyes and ears, then stole two freighters from drydock. That cannot happen here. Reach is too damn important. I want that relay back online Noble One." The newly addressed Noble One stood straighter, showing off just how straight-laced he was.

"Sir, consider it done."

"Then I'll see you on the other side. Holland out." With that, Noble One picked up his helmet and turned around, addressing B312.

"Lieutenant." The Spartan took a step forward, acknowledging the leader. B312 stood straight. No need to make things harder than they were.

"Commander, sir." 

"I'm Carter, Noble Team's leader. That's Kat, Noble Two, Emile and Jorge- Four and Five. You're riding with me Noble Six." Everyone had begun filing out and One began putting on his helmet as they walked out.

"Not gonna lie to you Lieutenant, you're stepping into some shoes the rest of the squad would rather leave unfilled. Me? I'm just glad to have Noble back up to full strength." As each member began to board one of the two Falcons still stationed outside, Noble One continued.

"Just one thing- I've seen your file. Even the parts the ONI censors didn't want me to. I'm glad to have your skill-set. But we're a team. That lone wolf stuff stays behind," One ordered, waving the pilots to take off. B312 nodded, adjusting his position in the seat.

"Got it, sir." The newly dubbed Noble Six turned to the team's sniper as he spoke.

"Welcome to Reach." The Falcons took off and began flying them to Visegrád Relay. Their orders were to get the relay back online and ensure those who took it out were dealt with. 

(1029 words as of the latest update. Hope it flows better. Any suggestions welcome)

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