Chapter 5- Winter Contingency: Skeleton Crew

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"We need to find the control room. From there, Kat can get the relay back online. Emile, post here. If we flush any hostiles, they're yours. Alright, let's do this." Noble One gave out his orders with a clarity that Six was sure several of the top brass either appreciated or envied. As Noble Team entered the room, Six advanced on edge. Dim or zero light conditions were perfect for Covenant cloaking tech to get the jump on even Spartan II's. One paused, stopping just inside the pitch blackness to allow his helmet to activate it's night vision function. Once the night vision kicked on for the rest of Noble Team, everyone else began to filter into the darkness and the details of the room became clear.

"Control room. Go easy," Noble Two warned, noting that the equipment in the room could be compromised or extremely sensitive considering the battle outside certainly had an effect on the building itself given the superheavy plasma cannon bombardment as the door had finally shut. As Six rounded a corner, he spotted a body under the only functioning lights alongside a still-living Army trooper leaning against the far wall. Despite the light providing a drastic improvement to their chances should Noble Team be ambushed by cloaked fighters, it did little to calm the Spartan's nerves.

"Noble Six, search that body," Noble Two ordered. Six began to search the body while Noble One began attending to the wounded trooper, hoping to keep him stable long enough to at least get some answers.

"Where's the rest of your unit?" Noble One asked, using what few bandages they had left.

"We got split. I don't think they... It sounded bad on the comms," the man groaned, sounding quite demoralized. After the hell he must've gone through already, it does make sense.

"Alright, Corporal, stay put. We'll get you a combat surgeon." Meanwhile, Noble Six found a data module on the corpse and picked it up as Noble Two looked at the controls.

"Damn. Plasma damage!" she cursed, sighing in frustration as it made her job much more difficult.

"Found something..." Six announced, holding out the data module. Two immediately snatched it out of his hand, Noble Six leering at Two with displeasure.

"I'll take that, Six. Not your domain," she said, examining the chip.

"I've got a live one over here! Come on, out you come." Five struggled to pull a frightened civilian from her hiding spot, likely due to the incredible self restraint he had to not pull her arm out of its socket or rip it clean off. She struggled to escape, repeatedly hitting him while speaking frantic Hungarian.

"Engedj el, hadd menjek ki innen! Hé!" the woman yelled in Hungarian.

"It's all right, we're not going to hurt you." Five tried to calm her down, but it didn't seem like it was working too well.

"Hagyjon békén!" the woman cried as she beat futilely on the massive super soldier's chest plate.

"Jorge..." Noble One sighed.

"I got her," Noble Five sighed. He dropped his weapon and seized her by both arms, easily restraining her. She stopped struggling, seeing as there was no point.

"Keep still, and I'll release you."

"Még... Itt vannak." That sounded like a warning-

Jorge stiffened in alarm just as an Elite Field Marshal jumped down from an upper floor and ignited his energy sword. The alien slashed at Jorge, but he rolled out of the way of the strike, pulling the civilian to the ground and covering her with his body. The Marshal snarled a challenge at the rest of Noble Team and charged. Two more Zealots jumped down to support the Marshal.

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