Slightly better

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Ok, so it doesn't hurt to raise my arm anymore but I'll still be sore for a few days. Short updates. But I'm slightly better. Slightly. Oh, and did u know that they make lactose intolerant milk? Yeah, they just take all the fat and stuff out, so it's actually healthier than regular milk. My mom is lactose intolerant too. My brother used to be, but he's not now. My dad has never been lactose intolerant. I bet this is boring you guys out of your minds. No wonder I don't have a lot of reads on this book. I am making a new book! It's called " Underwater ". It hasn't been published yet, but it will be. ... I have nothing else to write. And I'm bored. Also, please read " I'll Be There " GFxReader. Broken Wires is a good fanfic too. I'm actually finishing up Broken Wires. Making a sequel. Calling it either " Rusted Gears " or " Open Circuits ". I know. Cheesy, right? That's why I'm asking you guys try to come up with some names like the names I have. I think that's all for now. Ele, out!


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