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Didn't mean to publish that last part! It wasn't done. But I'm going to continue on from it

But this book is helping my stress SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm worried because I haven't seen most of my friends this summer, so what will they think of my short hair? What will they think of my non-changed height!? I already have to look up to most of my friends, and I'm sick of them joking about me being so short! It's a genetic thing, I help it! Nita are supposed to help you grow, but I'm allergic to them! All of them! And I'm tired of them of my nonexistent strength, too! I'm sorry, but having a bunch of muscle when you also get ALLERGY SHOTS is NOT good! And I have this one friend who is ALWAYS trying to one-up you! Drawing, strength, height, backyard, clothes, pets!!!! It doesn't matter, as long as she proves her point that she's the best! She once was in a drawing competition with another one of my friends, and the poor other friend didn't even KNOW he was in a competition! She just secretly declared it one day when he was showing us all an AWESOME sketch he did of Zelda by putting a piece of paper over a picture of her and drawing over that. I also have to deal with her BOYFRIEND who is ANNOYING and TOTALLY DRAMATIC and BENDS TO HER WILL! To top it all off, she's always talking non-stop about Skyrim. I'm sure the people who know me irl already know who it is. And don't even get me started on the school schedule AND my reputation I have to uphold AND the extra class I have to take AND learning trumpet from my brother!!!! I have to ride the bus to and from school now! My parents used to drive me to school and back, I don't know what bus I'm riding, when I get on or off, how long it's going to take, what seat I'm in!!!!!!! Next, my reputation. As the optimistic, artistic, cute-clothes, funny, friendly, straight-A, slightly shy girl that is usually either inhaling a book, talking to her friends, drawing, or away at TAG class. These are literally the opinions of every one else in my class last year. At the end of the year, we each had each other student write something they think about us on a piece of blank paper with our name on it. WHAT THE...???!!!!! There is a comment on there that says "BFF, I Like your giraffe You are a pirate Yar har feedle dee dee..." Oh, Mataya. So, now my extra class. I'm in TAG class, which stands for Talented And Gifted. Two of my readers and Best friends are also in this class this year(I hope!!!!). @fnafmangle1332 and DoctorMew13 . And, I forget, was SwagmasterFoxy in that class, too? If not, I think he should be. My best friend could go into the TAG classes if she wanted to, she's got the grades, but her mom won't let her because she says it's "Too much extra work." What extra work? You mean that homework we have? The one that goes like this?

1: Go Home

2: Get on some fun Website that I showed you

3: Play some educational games for a while.

Literally. That is our ' homework 'for tag class. Onto the trumpet! I'm doing trumpet in band, my brother is too, he's going to help me with it. Sorry to dump all this stuff on you people, it just feels SO GOOD to be able to vent to people who actually CARE about my feelings. That should be it for now. Stick with me, and Ele, out!


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