Steam account

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Do u have a Steam account? Steam is an icon I have on my computer, and Steam is a site where you make an account, friend people, buy games for your computer, and the people you friend can also send you games. Anyways, if you DO have a steam account, go on there and look up Ark:Survival I think and check it out. Its only early access right now, but it looks AWESOME! Your stranded on an island and you have to survive by hunting, making stuff out of the things you find, and- get this! - you can train and ride the dinosaurs! You can build houses and crap, but back to the dinosaurs. You can train and ride pterodactyls, and fly through the sky. You can ride an overgrown alligator ( literally that's exactly what it looks like ) through the water, or if you prefer regular dinosaurs, that's ok, too. The graphics are AMAZING for an early access game, and it overall just looks really good. And if you don't have steam but have a computer, I encourage you to get it and friend MomoPrincess who is, unfortunately, me. I didn't pick the name. If I did it would have been Elementswolf. Today's lucky winner of the random shoutout thing today iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis...

-_-Wonderland-_- ! Again, I just put one of these @ and select a random name that comes up. Ele, out!

Also check out Spore and check out Danger Dolan and Dan & Phil on YouTube. Spore is a new and trending game.


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