Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is the first time I have written if there is any typo's or any error i am so sorry

Happy reading 😃😃

6 year old Pihu Kapoor was sitting in her parents room in Kapoor mansion talking to bri . Pihu was so excited about her father taking her and her mom on a vacation after all the problems they will be together enjoying in some part of the world without any problems.

Pihu loved her mom and dad both more than anything. For being away from her mom for 2 years of her life and from dad being 5 years of life made her realise how important they both are for her

Pihu's mom or Ms.Sood or now Priya kapoor was always an inspiration for pihu her mom was never sad . Even life was so unfair to her but still Priya never allowed her smile to be vanished whenever she didnot have food to feed her daughter ,rent  a proper place for her to live in , not having enough money to give lavish or even a middle class life style for her daughter because of her past in jail didnot damper her spirits and that inspired pihu being happy in every situation and  not giving up for anything.
Pihu was an advance child for her age she had level of maturity that other children did maybe because she didnot had her mother for two years of her life or after because she saw her mother struggling so much that's why she indulged in her mother's antics of adventure and travel story . She knew they were running from something or someone but she didn't knew who .

Pihu's dad or Mr.khadoos or now papa was her hero ,her rockstar even if he was not present in her life from starting didnot mean she never knew him . She knew him from her mother's story, she knew him from Sara masis story , she knew him from herself when ever she did or said something like her father her mother had a very peculiar face to it  . Whenever she eat her pills for precautionary measures ,whenever she asked for filtered water, whenever she ask her mother to get soaked in rain or being a foodie . She knew she resembles her father from his blue green eyes to her cute nose to her hair that was all her father and her love for cupcakes . Every single thing was her father . Her father was her hero he became her father unknowingly she didnot knew he was her father and he didnot knew that she was his daughter. They fought for cupcakes , broke promises , became each other's friends,then the truth of their relationship came to light that her Mr.Khadoos is her papa and she was the happiest because from sometime she was praying to her gannu ji about Mr khadoos becoming her papa and her Ms.sood's prince charming . But after whole lot of trouble she was happy with her happy family her mom her dad and her sister who was going to come in few days .

She was happy. She was content. Her happy family will be going on vacation she cannot wait for it . Then her world came crashing down. Her parents two of the strongest people she knew were no more .she had a strange dream in which she talked to her parents. She and her little sister were now orphans . Her whole family was crying .

She didnot particularly loved her shubham chachu or her nk but they were her family. She did not knew were they are . LK and Swati dadi were with her at the Kapoor mansion were she learned they will be her guardians from know on LK will be marring Monica so that pihu and prachi can get motherly affection . Pihu did not like it that it is not even some days and they were trying to replace her parents place in her life or in her sister's life. She did what she did best  she let them be the parents that little prachi required and she withdrew from everyone to now her room ,her safe heaven were she had countless memories with her parents .

Pihu's little heart broke every time whenever prachi called Mr and Mrs Kapoor papa and mom but she could not do anything. Her heart broke when ever Mrs Kapoor told prachi that she was not her mom .her heart broke when ever she saw her sweet p waiting for Mr kapoor late night in darkness of kapoor mansion so that she can meet her papa and talk to him little but he didn't come .

These years there were many changes in kapoor mansion from passing of her Swati dadi ,her Meera ma ,bri and adi uncle adopting a kid angad ,her ishaan bhaiya never coming back from USA to getting new lady house help instead of tarun bhaiya . That lady had a son who became prachi's bestfriend .

One thing never changed that was Pihu missing her parents. The huge hole in her heart was never filled she was alone in midst of all the people. No one who understands her . While people loved her as well as prachi but everyone were more sympathetic towards prachi as   she lost  her parents befor she even knew them  but people never cared about pihu as she was older . Prachi was the doll who tried to gain LK and Monica's but pihu was alone not even giving them a chance  . Pihu was supposed to be the older one more mature one and whole deal . She knew they all loved her but still it hurt when she ate alone in her room but everyone else tried to play happy family at the dinning table for prachi .

She loved prachi there was no doubt. Prachi was her only last person her parents gave her . Prachi was her whole world in a sense . But she was never prachi's whole world . She did everything thinking of prachi but it was not the same with prachi . If pihu got a award she will tell first to prachi but if prachi got a  award she will tell it to Mr and Mrs Kapoor first even if they didnot care but for prachi they were her priority. She will listen to all the taunts thrown at her by Mrs Kapoor of being an orphan,being a burden etc etc but she will not say anything . And it broke pihu by seeing her strong parents daughter being so week and vulnerable. Sometime she was not able to connect with prachi how can she prachi was opposite to her prachi will listen to every taunt ,prachi will wait for Mr kapoor but pihu will not listen and she will give it back .

In midst of all this she got a new friend in angad he was bri and adi uncle's son . Her father best friend kid .  Because of that she became more close to bri and adi uncle,vik chachu and Sara masi. they were her  normalcy with them she can discuss her problems ,she can talk about her parents,she can talk about anything.


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