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such a baby!

“see i told you” jessi beamed at pouting jimin sitting on the  chair in front of mirror while she applying make up on the cute baby face

"hmmp! why do i need to dress up. and do this make up thing! all i want is my strawberry lip balm!" jessi took a deep breath

"mimi you did just said a minute ago, you have to be beautiful" she said carefully enough not to make the smaller upset

and there

jimin lips wobble eyes getting teary "I'm sorry" jimin look down and cry silently he himself doesn't know why he have to be this so dramatic

"what the fuck?! are two getting ready for millennium?" said by y/n, fixing her outfit "damn i bet i get laid tonight" jessi look at y/n with murdering glare

"y/n! for the love of god i know you're so horny but please try to talk with mannerism okay? " jimin giggle at them "jessi noona did yoonie asked you if i am staying with you?" jessi look at jimin and in the minute her gaze softened

"yes he asked and i said your staying with me, now let's go and work" jimin nodded, he carelessly apply his lip balm and wipe those make up out on his face

"uhh why i have to do this" y/n murmured while taking a hundred pictures of jimin, she send this to jungkook and taehyung 

in a minute her phone bing, she open it and almost squealed in happiness, the brothers send her a lot of money

"jessi minieee let's go!" she can't wait to spend this money with them

jimin wipe the table and smile  and bow respectfully to the customer he's serving he felt excited and giddy he keep smiling and giggling

he feel refresh and calm thanks to his works and his friends he can go outside and do whatever he wants

the bell chime he look up his eyes went wide immediately running out on the scene "tonyyy" he whispered yell and the tall man came

"yes chim?" tony asked with his signature smile "help me" jimin peaked and found smiling taehyung talking to jessi and jin

he can see jungkook look at his way they made a eye contact but jungkook didn't give any reaction it's just straight face

jimin smiley face change to sad one, is jungkook mad at him?. but he just wants time from them "tsk!" jimin stomped his feet

while tony gasped as jimin didn't care nor apologize to him, he look at stomping jimin all the way on the kitchen area

"your mochi is mad" jungkook hold his laugh " u thought he's mad at us?" now taehyung robbed his forehead "bro he's just moody" jungkook dumbfounded looking at his brother

"guess we have to say sorry" taehyung crossed his arms on his chest while jungkook lean his back on the wall they continue to talk

planning on how to apologize to their baby mochi, not knowing a certain blonde baby peaking on the corner with pouty lips

hmmmp! why they so hot?

definitely baby!!

I'm sad and the same time mad, why they're hating jimin? because he hug kook? common we all can see how hobi have a impact to kook,we know the whole story, it's hard of course.

if kook doesn't want to  be hugged by jimin, he should push jimin or avoid it like he usually do back then,but he hug jimin back! i watch it that night i even download the whole video!

he doesn't deserves any of this, mimi doesn't deserve that hateful comments, how they can hate an angel? that cute human being, smiling always, he's laugh, oh god

what's happening?


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