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BEAUTIFUL was understatement jimin was glowing walking like a porcelain doll he have this unknown phenomenon making you to be attracted on him

he have this undeniable charm hooking you on him without even trying the brothers wondering if jimin try to seduced them

are they gonna survive? there's no explanation no solution the answer is no jimin is a walking sin a beautiful gorgeous sin so sexy yet so cute and innocent

he is the perfection

as jimin cutely giggle covering his mouth by his palm "I'm not their maid" he said, sarah stood up glaring him. "who are you then?, their whore huh mr who ever you are they don't need you anymore now i am here infact we're getting married" jungkook clenched his fist

while taehyung glaring sarah

jiya snicker beside jimin, she look at sarah from top to bottom then sigh "bet your lose" she mocked sarah

as sarah getting red from anger "You two Have a Slut like this? can i have a taste?" Mr Hatsune said eyeing jimin up and down "such a beautiful baby wanna wreck hi—

he was cut off by jungkook fist Mr hatsune stumble he stood up touching his left cheeks " what's going on?" He asked sarah immediately cling to jungkook

but what shocked her when the maid aka jimin's new bff grab her hair harshly jiya pulled her hair before slapping her many times

"Don't Fucking Talk To Him Like That!" shouted by angry jungkook taehyung sat on the couch smirking at the old man

"don't worry I'll video it so you can wa—" again jungkook punch him on his face Mr Hatusune spit some blood

"He is our wife You Have to respect him, you don't talk inappropriate things like that" Mr hatsune nodded his head getting scared because jungkook is now smiling like maniac

"yoongi bring our guest to their room" namjoon Stop jiya from breaking sarah's nose while yoongi get Mr Hatusune

"you can't do this! i have a empire! they will sue you and your precious wife will be mine" he Smirk confidently

taehyung laugh loudly "you mean this?" he askes lifting all the properties Mr hatsune have, "this is ours" he said and flipping the papers

mr hatsune eyes went wide as he can his own signature "and you sign it sorry piggy" jungkook embrace the crying jimin whispering sweet things to the crying baby

Mr Hatusune remember a girl with badass outfit and sexy body he met her on the night club they get drunk and he didn't remember anything

"seems you suddenly remember her, she's working for us" Mr Hatsune didn't do anything just let yoongi drag him out while sarah crying

jiya still standing while looking at the floor "Good work jiya" taehyung said praising the new maid "baby let's go?" taehyung said

jimin frown before pushing jungkook away from him "you two!" ooh oh jungkook sweat nervously "will sleep" no taehyung can't hear that "on the couch!" jungkook knee went weak "baby please?" taehyung plead

jimin just look at them they made him cry "for a week" he turn around and jiya immediately follow her "bro tell to Mrs Jang what we need"


JUNGKOOK sitting on the couch with laptop on his legs he is frowning and sighing ,on the other hand  taehyung were just laughing at his phone

scrolling on yt laughing at videos he found funny,across the couch there's a king size bed and there sleeping cute  jimin, mouth hanging open with cute little snore

jungkook groan muscles aching massaging his temple while looking at jimin he missed cuddling with him hearing those soft giggles

witnessing how his eyes lighten up when he do something good and how he used to pout bigger while sulking

he missed the blonde so much

they both look at him with affection eyes adoring him sleeping like that jimin sleep like he doesn't need to worry about himself

the said baby sit up abruptly eyes brimming with tears in a minute they both heard him crying loudly lips trembling body shaking

"ggukie cuddle minie wants cuddle" jungkook close his laptop hurriedly join the blonde on the bed pulling him to his chest

taehyung just look at them still didn't do anything, jimin peaked under his cute bangs opening his arms "taetae cuddle me" he plead and who taehyung to deny that demand?


jiminie so cute 😍

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