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Pink baby


Jimin blink ravenously while trying to accept everything his husband said his eyes were wide open lips parted and fist clenching

the tip of his ears are also red dry tears on his fluffy soft cheeks he hiccups and sobbed "baby it's just two days" Jungkook reason out "still! it's too long what if I missed you and tae? I need someone to cuddle me every time I take nap!" now he burst crying trashing around

punching jungkook's hard chest "you lied! you two will leave me now I'm all alone!" jungkook kissed his forehead "baby we will not leave you" jimin didn't bothered and just keep punching him

"you will leave me!!" he shouted his voice cracked " I knew it! I'm not important anymore" baby chick added while taehyung standing with towel on his waist "what's wrong?" he asked

"taeeeeee" jimin wailed "what happened?" taehyung embrace the crying baby while looking at his brother "what my precious idiotic brother do?" softly talking to the pregnant wife "h-he said you two will go away! you're leaving me! you're having a-a affair" jimin push the brunette away, taehyung frown yet gasp as he see jimin blush and looked away

looking down he see himself butt naked crunching down to get the towel he smile sheepishly "go and get dressed we need to go now" Jungkook tone were serious, jimin lips wobble and he sniff "ggukie are you having an affair in England?" Jungkook mentally face palm "baby what are you talking about??" still trying to calm down their wife he pressed another kiss but now on jimin's cheeks

"I love you so much to get another head ache hmmm baby we don't need anyone just you okay" jimin turn around and crossed his arms "I mean why would we get another person when we're contented with you" jimin still didn't bulge 

"baby you know we love you right?" Jungkook pulled the pink haired baby to his lap caressing the soft cheeks while looking straight into jimin's eyes "you know it right?" jimin nodded getting red he looked down and snuggle to Jungkook chest "be careful! we need you me and our lil baby" Jungkook hummed

taehyung came back with suitcase and two black bag he fixed his white polo sleeves with black blazer "my love come give me a kiss" jimin smile and put a middle finger on him "nope" taehyung gasp while Jungkook hold his laughter

"my precious wife! what happened why why you like this! who thought you that!" taehyung dramatically get jimin's face to his palms "my love!" he smirk and kiss jimin

the soft kiss turned to hot and aggressive taehyung bit jimin's lower lip forcefully opening the hot cavern with his tongue he explore jimin's cavern memorizing everything he will miss when they're away

he pulled when he felt his nipple getting pinch by jimin who panting heavily "taehyung you will kill me!" Jungkook look at them with boring gaze "let's go" he announced jimin mood flip and now he hugging taehyung not wanting the brunette to be away


Hoseok Gulp and keep his posture straight nodding as jungkook and taehyung leave a lot of rules to follow and to do and not

Hoseok and Jin are now tasked to keep an eye to jimin the pregnant queen were not allowed to leave the house alone not allowed to answer any unknown phone calls

they can't endanger his life not now when he's pregnant Hoseok and jin will be jimin's side for 24/7 while suga and Namjoon will bystanders keep jimin safe while away from him

suga keep the house in check commanding everything needed to fix or to see specially when they have guest in basement

"don't worry anymore we will be okay" taehyung said "but still" jimin whined tears escaping his eyes "besides minie you can spend some time with your friends" jungkook butt in with small smile "isn't great!" jimin Nodded yet didn't release the brunette from his hold

as the car drove fast jimin still stood in the big gate still waiting if his husbands will go back yet that didn't happened, pouting as he disappointed at himself

turning around he smile at their guards "Scott let's go outside!" he beamed smiling ear to ear as he shouted while Scott hurriedly dashed out

jimin raised his eyebrows then smile evily he giggle and pulled a guard with him "Sam go and catch Scott" the s
guard named Sam didn't said anything and just follow where Scott dashed out

jimin clap his hand and laugh soundly while seeing Scott and Sam running in circle with Scott shouting "bosses said I should go away! sam don't " while Sam just following what ever the pink haired said

Hoseok sitting on the chair as he laugh as well "John go and run with them" John smile before running in circle with Scott and Sam now the three of them trying to catch each other

jimin clutch on his tummy as he laugh hardly he can't see anything due laughter but he's so happy the three guards keep running and running with shouting


BLACK SHINING SHOES make a contact on the one beaten up man cursing and laughing "tell me where is he" the man continues to kick the lying body

"should I make the whole building explode? or should I kill it with my own very hands?"

suddenly two another man came forward and give him a remote with red button "the bomb are already implant sir" the man laugh evily "yeah! what if I push this button? do you wanna know what will happen?" the beaten man shake his head

"n-no! the kings will kill you if you touch him! you can't!" he didn't finished anything as a bullet came straight to his forehead "tsk tsk, so annoying" the man smirk and push the button

on the screen he can clearly see the whole mansion explode turn "email this to them"

"no more queen" again laughing the man's men also laugh with him "now our next step is to make the whole empire go down"

Awaiting danger

phew! don't forget to vote and leave a comment!! how is that? any thought's?

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