Chapter Three

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Yasmine enters the classroom and heads straight to her usual spot in the front right corner, next to the window overlooking the PE field. As she settles into her chair, she finds herself daydreaming, her gaze fixed on the freshly cut green grass outside. It's a calming sight, and she wishes she could be out there instead of sitting in her history class, which isn't really her favorite subject.

Yasmine has always been one of the first students to arrive in class, not because she likes being early but because she gets anxious when all eyes are on her as she enters. By sitting early, she avoids the discomfort of being stared at and instead takes the opportunity to observe the empty field outside. The wind rustling through the grass provides a soothing soundtrack to her daydreaming.

However, today feels different. As more students start coming in, the noise level in the classroom increases, and Yasmine's anxiety begins to rise. She can feel her heart rate picking up, and a buzzing sensation starts in her head. She tries to close her eyes and calm herself down, but the voices in her head seem to get louder and more familiar, yet she can't quite place them.

Thomas notices her distress and asks her what's wrong. Yasmine tries to dismiss it, but she's finding it harder to catch her breath. She turns back to the window, hoping to find some solace in the serene view outside, but the voices in her head persist, growing louder by the second. She's struggling to make sense of them, but they feel like a puzzle she can't solve.

As the class goes on, Yasmine's anxiety becomes overwhelming, and she finds herself feeling drained. She desperately tries to find peace of mind by focusing on the outside world, but the voices in her head continue to intrude. She wonders what's wrong with her and why she's experiencing this strange phenomenon. She longs for the class to end so she can escape the noise and find a quiet place to collect herself. But something strange suddenly happens: all the sounds buzzing in Yasmine's brain suddenly stop, leaving her to concentrate only on one: the new kid that just entered the room.


Dylan, Sebastian, and Robbie make their way into the classroom. "So this is our first class," says Dylan to the boys. "Apparently we have a new teacher this semester. I wonder how it's going to turn out; I've always hated this class." "What have you heard about him?" asks Sebastion. Dylan shrugs, "Not much; I heard he's a history buff, though. But honestly, I'm just glad Mr. Homer is gone. His jokes were getting old." Sebastian chuckles. "Yeah, his beard was getting pretty wild too."

As they make their way to the back of the class and each take a seat, Robbie feels a sudden glare coming at him all the way from the front right side of the classroom. He looks up, and his gaze meets hers from the front right corner of the classroom. Her eyes are fixed on him, and he can sense a mix of surprise and embarrassment in her expression. Flustered, the girl quickly turns around to face the board, pretending to be absorbed in the lesson.

Out of curiosity, Robbie turns to Dylan and asks him "Hey, who's that girl sitting there?" "Her ? That's Yasmine Hasan; I don't really know much about her; she's kind of shy and keeps to herself most of the time," responds Dylan, not giving much thought to the question. Robbie can't help but feel a pang of curiosity and intrigue as he wonders why Yasmine is staring at him. He can't shake off the feeling that there's something more to it, and he finds himself stealing glances at Yasmine, trying to catch her eye again, but she seems to be avoiding his gaze. He feels like he knows her, but he doesn't seem to remember from where.

The feeling doesn't last long, as he suddenly hears a familiar voice. He looks up from his desk towards the front of the classroom, and there she is—the girl he met this morning. The one he couldn't stop thinking about on his way to school She's walking into the same classroom he's in, and Robbie can't help but smile as he catches a glimpse of her.

But his little moment of joy is short-lived as he notices her standing awfully close to a guy. They seem to be together, laughing and talking animatedly. Robbie decides to look away before he is caught staring at them. He can't help but feel a pang of disappointment, but he tries to let it go and concentrate on the class instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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