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I launched myself into the link cabin leaving the breakfast, my cheeks full of eggs from the table as Norm and Jake spoke at the table.

"Remy! Get your ass back in here!" Jake called. I heard some clattering but ignored it as I began the initiation of my link.

"Can't hear you I need to focus!" I called back as both men entered the cabin. Norm came to check over my link unit when I deemed it set, and then went to get Jake into his own.

"Did you even taste the food?" Jake asked as I got in.

"Do you seriously wanna taste that food?" I asked him pretending to gag.

"Ugh. You are such a kid. I can't wait until you are old enough to not need a babysitter." Jake droned.

"Don't be pissy I can set up my link on my own." I laughed as I sealed it shut and closed my eyes.

Opening my eyes I got out of bed and ran to the pen in Hometree.
My path was cut off as Tsu'tey stood on one floor before the Ikran pen as if waiting for me.

"Go eat." He ordered.

"We are equal. Not student and teacher! I am going for a fly." I told him.

"I am a proud hunter. You cannot be a good hunter if you don't eat and Ikran is hungry. Go eat and bring food for your Ikran!" He ordered.

I pouted running back down the tree and to the eating area that was clearing out. I found something to eat and evaded my unofficial care dependent. And made my way back up to the pen with some uncooked meats for Ro.

I stumbled in my running as I jumped over a few kids and was stopped by Jake.

"Eat then run, you're gonna choke." He laughed.

I stuffed my food in my face almost eating what was intended for my Ikran in my hurry. I glared at Jake as I kept chewing.

He smiled as he shifted his weight between his feet and held a hand behind his back.

"Done!" I scoffed ready to run off again.

"Skxawng, Tsyameysya." Jake laughed as I faced him again.

He held my camera in his hands smiling.

"Uuugh!" I hissed snatching my camera and running back up Hometree.

I made it to the branch again and called for Ro. She bound to me excitedly almost pushing me over as she extended her wings and nuzzled me.

I scratched her chin and fed her. I tightened my camera strap around my neck and jumped on her back.

"Hear me out. No saddle, but a place for my feet to rest." I chuckled as she flew from the branch at breakneck speed.
After a bit of letting her fly as fast as she could, I slowed her to an almost glide, I kept us within view of Hometree for her speed burst, but soon I headed to my destination.

I smiled seeing the site grow closer, as we flew closer to it, I pulled my camera to my front to snap a picture.

"Tam Ro. Tam Tam." I cooed as she flapped her wings to hover. I took a picture of the Loveshack.

After I took a decent picture I dove to my destination. The trees below the site. I sat close to Ro as she dove for the exact spot I wanted.

The canopy fruit. My glorious bounty. I pulled the fruit free with ease as I flew down and swooped up. Me and Ro giving calls in victory.

"The gift OF EYWA!" I cheered. I flew back for Hometree and circled until landing Ro at the roots. I took my items holding them close going in to get my bow and arrows.

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