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"Y/N. Y/N?"


"Shh. Wake up." Naoto whispers. He had to sit and she and Sanzu go at it for literally an hour and a half. He was amused by how Sanzu was so energized the entire time. It's only after Y/N passed out for the third time that he finally stopped.

Then the two of them went upstairs. Naoto couldn't sleep though, he needed to have his talk with Y/N. So two hours later here he is, risking it for a talk.

Y/N glanced around and noticed that Sanzu is asleep.

"What are you doing?" She quietly asks.

"Don't move. I don't want him waking up." He quickly and quietly responds. "I just want to ask you about Takeomi."


He sighs. "The night all of this happened you was staring at Takeomi's photo on my board. And prior to that we had that shower talk when I asked you what made you transfer. Not only that I wasn't your first and Sanzu just came around so was Takeomi the reason you transfered to Kyoko Prison?"

Silence. She knows he said to not forget that he's a detective but to be honest...she kinda forgot he was.

"I don't even know who that is." She finally answers. "Now leave."

Y/N closed her eyes and Naoto shook his head. "You worked at Chardonnay Prison. You left because you fell in love with him, Takeomi, but since he's a criminal you got scared of either him or of being caught with him. He was your first and he was the reason you transfered to Kyoko Prison. Tell me if I'm right."

Y/N gritted her teeth, keeping her eyes closed. She doesn't want to remember anything about Takeomi. He was nice until he wasn't. He manipulated her and lied most of the time.

"Hey baby."

"Don't call me that Akashi." He forced her face towards his and he kissed her. Y/N exhaled and pulled away from him.

"Stop, I'm not in the mood."

"Why are you being so ungrateful right now? Let's not forget that you need me." He kissed her cheek, then her neck.

"Only because you forced me to leave my job." She mutters.

He grins, licking her neck. "I didn't force you to do anything. You simply fell in love with me and chose to leave and now... you're stuck with me forever." Takeomi kissed her again but she didn't kiss back. That made him angry.

Takeomi slapped her, causing her to gasp. He grabbed her neck and pulled her close to him.

"Don't make me hurt you. You knew exactly what you were getting into when you left your job."

He sighed, wiping her tears. "Look, I love you, okay baby? All I want you to do is help me with this job tonight and I'll give my baby anything she wants." He whispers.

"S-something like what?"

He smiles. "Kill someone for me."

"Tell me if I'm right Y/N. I need to know." Naoto says breaking her from her thoughts.

"Why the hell do you care?" She nearly shouts.

"Because it's important."

"How important?"

Naoto exhaled heavily and itched his scalp. This is frustrating. He doesn't want to freak her out in any way, but she's got to know some way.

"It's important because he's Sanzu's brother."

Devastation. It was all written on Y/N's face. Her eyes widened, her brows knotted and her lips pressed together.

"What?" She responds in disbelief.

"Takeomi Akashi, is Sanzu's brother."

"Hey baby, I told you you won't be able to get away from me."

Y/N couldn't believe that Takeomi is standing right in front of her, inside of a prison. It's been about a year since she's last ran away from him when he suggested she kill someone for him.

Y/N tried to run but he stopped her. He pulled her beside the dump that's behind the building and covered her mouth.

"Hi baby...miss me?"

In a panic she just stared, tears of fear streaming her face. "Hmm, if I move my hand you won't scream right?"

She shook her head no. Takeomi removed his hand slowly and she exhaled.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well, I did get to kill the person I wanted to but...I got caught now. If you were there I'm sure I would've succeeded but you fucking left me baby." He pouts.

"I'm not your baby, Akashi."

"Fuck, you know I love it when you call me that." He closed her in and inhaled sharply. "You smell absolutely amazing. I'm going to be here for a while so how about we start where we left off, yes?"

She immediately asked for a transfer after seeing that Takeomi was there. It took her about a year to finally get set and she couldn't be more happy, but after meeting Sanzu, things went south.

When he called her baby for the first time she wanted to transfer again, but she stayed out. And if it wasn't for Naoto being there to make her comfortable, she probably wouldn't be here. She probably wouldn't have been an officer either.

But, Takeomi never mentioned that he had a brother to her. Only his sister, whom, now that she's thought about it, kind of looks like Sanzu.

Y/N didn't know what to think or how to think. Could it be true that Takeomi is actually Sanzu's brother? If so, what does this mean for her? If she asks Sanzu why, would that place her in harm's way of some sort?

Surely he shouldn't be upset at the fact that his brother had her before him...right?

"Y/N, you can't let Sanzu know this, ever. From what I know about Sanzu is that he was only in Kyoko because of his brother. I never dived into it since I didn't really care, but now everything is piecing together and it's kind of scary. Surely Sanzu hates Takeomi for ratting him out after his kills." Naoto explains.

She just laid there and cried in silence. Everything is going a hundred miles per hour for her.

Naoto wiped her tears, making her flinch. Naoto didn't stop though, he wants to calm her down.

"You can't let him know." He states quieter. "Ok?" Y/N shook her head yes and glanced away from him. Now she's truly scared.

Exactly how would Sanzu react if he finds out?

It's been days, I know😭😭😭

🍅Feel free to throw it at me


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