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•[All I Ever Wanted]•

Naoto opened his eyes and sucked in a breath. The beeping of a heart monitor made him frown in pain due to an upcoming headache.

Naoto got a quick examine of where he was and pulled the mask from his mouth and nose.

"I'd be very careful if I were you."

Naoto glanced to the left of him, coming face to face with Laney. Her arms and legs are crossed and her hair tied up in a bun. Her glasses are on and she's dressed in a white button up that stops to her elbows, along with a navy blue jeans.

"Where's-" he stops, air being caught in his throat. Naoto grabbed the mask and placed it back on, sharply inhaling air.

"If you're asking for Y/N we have no idea. Sanzu is missing as well and has been for the past two weeks now, yes, that's exactly how long it took you to wake. When we got to your house you were already dead, miracle or pure power, the doctors brought you back," she quickly informs, not missing a step with her words.

"However, the problem still at hand is Y/N and Sanzu Haruchiyo being missing. We only know so much, like how he killed a man for his truck. A few people heard screams for help but most did nothing as only two took the time of night to inform us." Laney took a breather and sighed.

"We need you to take this case, Naoto. Do it for her."

Naoto closed his eyes. "This is your fault. All of this could've been avoided if you had just prioritize her kidnapping. But instead you take care of the deaths of people who weren't that important anymore."

"That's a bit selfish."

"Fuck you, Laney."


"I thought I had it under control. I didn't expect for it to go south so quickly."

"He's a sociopath who's love language is violence. He's lived in a violent environment ever since he was sixteen and shoving him on the outside for so long without any form of that made him mad. He needed a way to fix himself...and chasing her was his fucked up way of doing it," he explains.

"It was bound to happen...and you know that." He whispers. Laney cleared her throat and glanced at her watch.

"You know...we were planning to dispatch when the sun came up. We had four units and the night you called...I guess plans came into clutch quicker than that."

"And he still got away?" After she said nothing he scoffed. Noaot swallowed a lump in his throat and grabbed his mask again, placing it over his mouth and nose.

He sat up, pulling his hospital robe. His eyes reached a scar leading from his abdomen up to his side.

"Right, your wound got infected and it was eating at your left lung. So that's gone now, might need to live with an inhaler for the rest of your life."

Naoto couldn't believe his ears. He took the mask off again and inhaled sharply. That's why he felt weird when breathing.

Naoto touched his scar, inhaling once more. And then again before he coughed.

"You've...got to be kidding me." He strains, putting his mask back on for his air support. He couldn't even make it past four massive breaths.

"I'm sorry, Tachibana. I should've worked sooner."

Naoto exhaled and shook his head.

"Just tell me everything you've got."

Laney nodded and spent the next twenty minutes explaining everything that's been going on for the past two weeks now. Naoto took in all the information given to him, creating a scenario in his head on where Sanzu and Y/N could've went.

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