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T/W: Suicide

Sanzu opened his eyes, looking at the girl peering over him. She grins, running off. Sanzu sat up, looking at the flowers surrounding him. Her giggles echoed in his ears as she motioned for him to follow her.

Sanzu stood to his feet, following behind her. He ran through the flower field as he continued to hear her echoed grins and giggles.

It put a smile on his face, not really knowing why it did. Suddenly he stops, not seeing her anymore. He glanced around frantically, noticing the lake and the truck.

Sanzu walked up to it, scared and curious. Sanzu popped open the driver side door, looking in. His eyes landed on Y/N who's in the passenger seat, dressed in a sunflower dress, her feet kicked up on the dashboard.

She turned at him and smiled.

"Hi love."

Sanzu eased into the drivers seat and closed the door, locking the doors.

"Hi baby."

She chuckles. "You know I hate it when you call me that, but you know I love you right?"

He grins. "Yeah, I know. That's why I love you, because I know you'll never leave me."

She huffs. Y/N put her foot down and straddle him. Sanzu held her waist, looking up at her.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, anything my baby wants."

"Why did you stay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you decide to stay with me? Do you feel guilty for not sinking with me yesterday?"

He sighs. "I thought I did."

"Hmm...well...why did you kill me then?"

He frowns. "Because I love you. And I want to be with you forever." She stares, not saying anything. "I'm dead too you know."

Y/N glanced behind her, looking at the water. She then opened the door and got out, pulling Sanzu along with her. He stumbled out of the car, following back to the water.

"We should try again. Let's hide for good now. Okay?"

He sighs. "Yeah, okay. But can I say something?"

Y/N eased him into the water, getting deeper and deeper inside just like last time.

"Sure love."

"I always wanted to do this. So thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

"For letting it be true til the end." Sanzu laid down and Y/N watched him. As he sank she continued to stare at him. His hair turning snow white as he sank further.

Sanzu, who's been hiding in the woods close by the lake, surviving off of berries and hand caught fish for the past two weeks, had found himself driving to a cliff.

The truck was low on gas but he made it there as quickly as he could. It took him about an hour but once he reached he sat back, flipping the pocket knife he had found inside of the glove compartment a week ago

There was also a handgun inside, that being the first weapon he was going to use to end his life yesterday, however he chickened out.

But...seeing that he's got nothing to lose, seeing that he knows what he's done and knowing that something is absolutely wrong with him, and has been for a long time...he decided to stop the constant cat and mouse game going on in his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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