What lost will be found

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They stand in front of the ark with desmond who asked

" So you want me to get in there to find your child ? " Jillian nods then desmond stands there afterwards says

" But an ancient god called ( Juno ) tried to manipulate me, so i am afraid that if i enter there, the god you were trying to connect with is controlling your child " Lin looks at desmond

" I don't think the god that michael talked to is like juno " she told him

" i've read a manuscript suggests that if anyone meets whatever god in person, they'll either control that person or sends them back to the place where they came from " he says

William interfers

" Don't worry son, we have people who can heal him "

" So can you help ? " jillian say it with a hopeful impression

Desmond kept standing in his place bewildered of whether accept or refuse to help the incapable mother


Ava stands in a balcony watching the sea, beatrice stood next to her

" You've done well in your first mission " she told her

Ava looks at beatrice smiling to her

" Thanks, so what about the letter ? "

" Mother superion have sent them to scholars who know that language which they're trying to figure it out "

mother superion interferes in the conversation

" Ava " she said

they looked at her who told ava

" I've heared what they said about your performance in the field, it's such a rare thing that a rookie so called was doing a superior job than the others "

" I don't know what to say other than thanks..."

" But mother superion...there's a mysterious thing surrounds the letter " she suggests

" How ? " With curious tone

" Those mercenaries are hired by a man who is capable of everything as one of them said and his search for the letter has goal behind it and i want to figure it out " she answered

" Why you want to do that ? " mother superion asked

" I think there's a spy between us "

Once beatrice told what burns in her mind, Ava and mother superion looked at her surprised, Ava then asked

" And who could that possibly be ? "

" As i said, i'm trying to figure it out "

" Jillian is now kinda isolated from everyone and only god knows what is she planing, and there's two companies out there who are planing to get our lost history one of them are lead by kristian who once was working with Jillian " Mother superion inform beatrice

" We have friends right ? " ava asks

" How do you know about them ? " mother superion wonders

THOSE WHO REMAIN: MIRAGE ( Warrior Nun X Assassins Creed )Where stories live. Discover now