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Areala meditating in a cave that its calmness vanished once the sound of the swords came near it interrupting her then she stand up on her feet taking cover behind a wall witnessing the fight and little conversation between altair and al mualim

" Finish me altair, you won't last against him, remember my words " he points his sword against altair

" We were blind because we believed you are our guidance to the truth, you are a shame on our order "

altair swings his sword at al mualim who dodges and in return avoids al mualim hit, they both spin around each other predicting one another move

" This reminds me of the old days when i had a duel with my mentor, in the end he fell like a fragile statue " Al mualim said

" Fragile men relies on the others, if you were not like your master you wouldn't use us for your selfish desires "

altair encounters al mualim attack then throwing a hit back at al mualim that he encountered

" Join me ibn la ahad, join me and he will deliver you from the catastrophe " al mualim gives Altair a chance who mocked him by saying

" If he could, why wouldn't he deliver you from me first ? pray to him "

Areala stood in her place watching the fight that'll either end one of them

Basim in the valley tracking the footsteps of a person he lost his tracks, basim stop at a hill looking on his left finding a cave his feet took him there at the top hearing grunts coming from it, he went closer inside to find altair standing on al mualim's body sensing someone behind him, he turns around surprised to see his fellow assassin

" Basim ? " he said

Basim Replies back " What are you doing altair ? "

Altair " This person deceived us, he broke our tenets by dealing with a fraud god "

Basim " Fraud god ? you mean adriel ? "

Altair " How come you know him ? "

Basim " He deceived my friends also "

She shows up from behind

" Adriel deceived many, especially the king "

Altair " Baldwin ? and who are you ? "

Basim " Areala is her name "

Altair " Elaborate that part "

Basim " I had a vision of her and we were fighting together against a powerful being "

Areala " Adriel must be stopped "

Altair " What would happen if i don't trust you ? "

Areala " My intentions aren't selfish like the crusaders or saladin "

Altair searches in al mualim pockets again before they leave

basim " Meditation areas are always the target of those who are aligned with darkness "

" Makes sense Loki " She says

THOSE WHO REMAIN: MIRAGE ( Warrior Nun X Assassins Creed )Where stories live. Discover now