Chapter 6 - One Big Ass Mistake

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Alana fell onto the bed and closed her eyes. The night had been hectic and once the police arrived there was no where they could go. They'd lied to them to make them look like the two had broken in but since Dean and Sam didn't have permits for the rifles it had been Alana that had pulled hers out and said it was her that fired them. God how she wanted to get out of here and hide.

"Thank you Miss Winchester. We're sorry about all of this and I hope you keep your brothers out of trouble now." The young officer said and gave her a small smile before leaving the hotel room and closing the newly fixed door.

She sighed, looking up to Sam. Dad was dead or so they thought and what came next was the answer as she shook her head and got to her feet. Suddenly weary of the whole ordeal.

"What are we going to do now?" she asked only to hear Dean snort and both she and Sam turned to him. "What Dean?"

"First off, I'm in charge, second I want you to go home Alana. After tonight, I don't want you involved."

Her eyes teared up, first her mother had died and she'd been left alone until her father had found her. They were all she had left. "I can't Dean. There's nothing left for me to go back to."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"My mom died in a fire." She gulped, trying to ignore the images of her mother's horrific death. "I..." she started to cry, tears of the pain she felt too overbearing for her to hold back. "She died on the ceiling in a blaze of fire." She said and collapsed to her knees.

Sam knelt next to her and took her into his arms. He knew the pain all too well. "It's ok Alana." He said and looked at his brother's shocked face. "We have to stick together Dean. Something is after our whole family."

"Alana tell me this, did she die above your bed?"

She looked up to him in horror, her mouth gaping, "How did you know?"

Dean took a deep breath, "It happened to our mother when we were kids. Something is out to kill our family."

"And I may know why." She whispered as her brothers looked at her. "Dad said that Sam and I have abilities, I know Sam gets nightmares, I get premonitions and can move things without touching them."

"Premonitions and nightmares are the same." Dean argued, "And you're saying you're telekinetic."

She nodded, "But Dean you have abilities too. You just hide them from the world because you're scared."

Dean muttered something incoherent and moved away from her. He looked dead into her hazel eyes, saying, "I'm nothing special Alana. I never was."

"How would you know?"

He raked his hand through his hair, "Sam gets his nightmares, you can move things with your mind, and me, I kill things that I don't give a damn about."

Alana stood and walked over to him, placing her hand on his own. A bright light evolved from their hands as it swirled about them. Dean pulled away but the light remained in his hand. He looked stunned. "How can this be?"

"I made you believe. You have the power to heal and to protect. You must help those that need it Dean."

Dean shook his hand and the light dissolved. He was still ignorant to that of the supernatural within them. He was a hunter, plain and simple. But for Sam and Alana, he had to leave them behind; they would only slow him down.

"What about you? You and Sam are too weak for this mission. I'm better off doing this alone. Maybe dad was right; you can only depend on yourself."

Sam looked at him, he was hurt. After all they'd been through, Dean still considered him a weight. "Then why did you come for me if you didn't want me tagging along?" he asked, "I could've been with Jess and saved her!" he yelled, nearly slamming his fist into Dean's face.

Alana stopped him and looked at Dean, "Dad is in that morgue. If we are to save him we have to go. Time is wasting with us fighting. We fight together or we die, it's that simple." She said and walked out the door into the chilly and dark night.

"Let's go." Dean said, throwing the keys to Alana, "This time you drive. We got a long drive ahead of us and it's high time we get a break."

She nodded, "Then let's get going. I want to get dad back." And with that they drove down the long dark road, heading out to search for their now demon possessed father.


Meg rose from the metal table and climbed to her feet. She'd been waiting for the blasted man to leave the room as she walked around stark naked, looking for her clothes. The damn orderlies thought she was dead. What a moron! She thought. She could never die; even a rock salt gun stunned her, nothing more.

She cracked her neck and found some clothing. Not hers, but what the heck, she needed to get dressed. As for John, he was awake, sitting up and looking about the darkened room. How she loved it when humans lost their souls to her. They were like children that needed to be trained.

"Come along John. I'll get you some clothes and then we're out of here." She said as the orderly came back into the room and stopped dead in his tracks, looking straight at John. Meg came up behind the small man and snapped his neck, dropping him to the ground. "They may be a bit snug but we'll get you clothes from the truck, when I get it back." She said and began undressing the man.

Once John was dressed, they took off out the window, escaping the prying eyes of all that were seeking them out. And when the Winchester kids made their way through the door did, they realize that they were too late, and that Meg and their father were gone and the chase was on.

Winchester Siblings: Capture (Book 1) (A Supernatural Series)Where stories live. Discover now