Chapter 16 - Keep on Wishing Meg

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Alana had calmed down – despite the fact that she feared something else was wrong. She closed her eyes and took a breath as the visions came crashing into her. She cried out in pain and crumbled to the floor, rocking back and forth in anguish. Sam was the first at her side, taking her into his arms.

"What's wrong sis? What do you see?"

The images were too fast for her, it made her nauseous. She put her head to the ground and wished to god that it would stop.

"Alana?" Dean said and the images stopped.

She looked up to her brother with tears in her eyes, this was the last thing she wanted to do to them.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, slowly rising to her feet, "I have to get out of here." And ran for the door, opening it and disappearing outside.

Dean ran after her, never in his life would he act this way, but since the day Alana came into their lives did he realize that he loved his siblings.

"Stop Alana." He said and grabbed her arm, forcing her to face him. "What are you sorry for?"

She shook her head; there was too much grief, anger to even speak. She brought this upon them; she was the one that was going to get them killed.

"I need to leave Dean. You and Sam are not safe around me."

Sam walked up behind them and heard her words, suddenly aware that she blamed herself for everything that happened.

"Alana, why would you say such a thing?" he asked.

She looked up to him, how would they ever understand that evil was after her and Sam?

"You don't understand." She whispered.

Dean put an arm around her, "We're in this together sis. No matter what happens, who or what we face, we do this together."

She nodded her head, "I just don't want either one of you getting hurt."

"We're not going to get hurt Alana." Sam said, "We've hunted all our lives. There is nothing that is going to get between us."

She agreed. Even though in her heart something traumatic was about to happen. Oh god, what would happen when they realized that her older sister was behind this all?


The trees swayed in the wind as the lone figure walked about the dirt road. Her dark cloak blew in the wind as her red hair moved beneath her hood, her green eyes shining brightly in the darkness. The amulet about her neck shone in a red brilliance as a portal opened in front of her. She smiled as her companion and friend Cheyenne Dallas emerged.

"Is it done?" she asked.

Cheyenne nodded her head, her hazel eyes fixed on the bohemian beauty. "She took everything I told her."

"Good. Once Sam is in my control, I'll strip him and his sister of their powers once and for all."

"What now?"

"You keep tabs on them and I'm going to prepare the ritual. Dean needs to be taken care of and I mean now."

Cheyenne nodded, "I'll do your bidding Meg. It's the least I can do."

"Good. Go and do your job." She waved her hand and sent Cheyenne on her way.

Meg on the other hand was frustrated, how many times had she gotten to Sam, only to be sent back to square one?

"Sooner or later I'm going to get my wish and I'm going to have Sam all to myself." She whispered and disappeared into the darkness.

Winchester Siblings: Capture (Book 1) (A Supernatural Series)Where stories live. Discover now