Chapter 15 - Help is on the Way

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Sam awoke early that morning to find his sister sitting up on the couch. He sat up in his bed and smiled, motioning for her to sit next to him. He watched as she got to her feet and walked over to the side of the bed and climbed in under the comforter. He hugged her before laying his hands behind his head and watching as she laid her head on his stomach.

He was tired, the black rings around his eyes; a good indication of his lack of sleep. He hid the fact that his nightmares had increased in his sleep, keeping him from resting - period. But concern for her came to mind as he looked down at her. She shifted her head so that she looked at him and smiled.

"Are you alright?" he asked, the weariness in her eyes glazing over.

"I guess so. I had this really strange dream this morning. I saw this girl and she said that she knew you and Dean. Said she was going to help us."

"Who was she?"

"Her name was..." she paused and closed her eyes, "Cheyenne Dallas."

His eyes widened the fear of the past slamming into him. "Oh god." he muttered and sat up, bringing Alana up with him. "Dean, man, wake up!" he yelled.

Dean rolled over on the bed and slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw that his sister was awake, sat up abruptly.

"What's wrong?"

"Cheyenne Dallas." Sam said.

"What..." he stopped, his eyes plastered with shock, "What about her?"

Alana sighed, "I had a dream last night and she was in it."

"Do you even know who she is?" he asked.

Alana shook her head, "No. I've never seen her before."

Dean and Sam looked at one another clearly baffled.

She continued, "She stood in some sort of circle, five white crystals about her. But it was her hazel eyes that kept me from running."

Sam laid a hand on her shoulder, "Alana, hear me out. It couldn't have been Cheyenne. She died two years ago in a fire. We were there at the fire and at her funeral. She was in that casket."

She shook her head; Sam could tell that she was scared.

"But why?" she asked.

Dean climbed out of his bed and came over to sit next to her. She was shaking, clearly not understanding what was happening.

"What's happening to me?" she cried as Dean pulled her into his arms.

"I don't know sis." he said, "Right now we have to stick together."

She sighed, nodding - if only they knew.


John sat in a rusty old metal chair in a dark and damp basement room. He wondered how in the world he'd ended up here, shaking his head as something wet crossed his cheek. He swallowed the bile that had come up, grimacing as his stomach grumbled in hunger.

"Hungry?" a voice said, causing John to look up abruptly.

"Sarah?" he said, nearly passing out.

"Yes John, I'm here. Some things need to be told. I sent my daughter to be with your sons. She'll take care of them. Did you know that you had a daughter? Alana Mary is her name and a spitting image of you. She needs to be with you and your sons.

"What about you?"

"I'm dead John, much like Mary, the thing that claimed her life, took mine as well. Alana needs to be protected; she too is gifted to be alone in this world. There are forces out there that want to have her, to bend her will to theirs. Please John, take care of our little girl. She has nowhere else to go."

John looked up to her with sad eyes, "And I never knew all this time."

"You had the boys to deal with, throwing a daughter on your lap was the last thing you needed."

"Where is she now?"

"With your boys. She's quite attached to Sam, they are so much alike. But Dean loves her too; he can now see that she is their sister."

"Who's after her?"

"Evil. Meg is part of it; she had another shape shifter act as you and nearly killed her. Our children think Meg is dead, but she is far from it. That demon can never die, not unless you kill her master."

"Who is the master Sarah and why are you telling me this now?"

"I don't know who the master is, but I'm telling you this to save our daughter. She and Sam have the second sight, both have visions. They are more acceptable in being turned to evil than anyone. But Dean is not far behind, evil claims him once, they can do it again."

"Dean is not like Sam, he's strong. He'll be able to take care of Alana."

Sarah shook her head sadly, "You don't understand John. The thing that took Mary, me and Sam's girlfriend Jess wants you and your family dead."

John shook his head and climbed to his feet. He was sore and agitated and not understanding everything that was being dumped into his lap.

"What do I need to do then?"

"Go to them, protect them, and find information on the Fir Darrig. Once you know who they are, ask for their help. Only they have the key to destroying all evil around us."

John closed his eyes for a brief moment and when he opened them, Sarah was gone.

"Dear god, what's happening to us now?"

Winchester Siblings: Capture (Book 1) (A Supernatural Series)Where stories live. Discover now