(Wednesday)Tyler - Jealousy, Jealousy

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WARNING: Explicit, innuendo, torture, triggering, sexually explicit!!!  (Have fun you sick fucks!)

(Tyler's POV) I'd had an exhausting day. Filled with rage, raging hormones, and dick that just won't quit. For those who are still confused, let me recap.


Wednesday walked through the door, Abby (OC) following close behind her, looking just as bored as ever. Just my luck, she looked super sexy today. She had gone for a country girl aesthetic, with a white tank top that showed off her large breasts, short-shorts that accentuated her fat ass and thighs the size of my head. She was fairly tall for girl, about 5'10". She was thick, almost 220lbs. Not that I minded, my hyde would be able to carry her easy. 

Snapping out of my trance I forced myself to look at Wednesday. She was going on and on about the hyde and clues. Not like I cared what she found out. I'd just kill her and then lock my darling Abby up in Crackstone's Crypt. Damn it! I'm getting off track again. I realized I was staring longingly at Wednesday, giving her the wrong idea. I had to make it look like I was crushing on her so she'd open up. That's what Thornhill told me to do. Thornhill promised that if I kept up this act, I'd soon be able to take Abby all for myself.

Snapping back to the present for the third time, I gave Wednesday a subtle comment that would lead her closer to the hyde. I looked around the coffee shop, Abby stood at the counter, talking to one of my coworkers. She laughed at something he said and I felt anger flare up inside me. How dare he make her laugh! That's my fucking job! I suppressed a growl as she continued talking with the asshole. He leaned forward and handed MY Abby her drink. I was about to turn back to Wednesday and forget about the whole thing. But the dickhead must've wanted death, because he wrote his fucking NUMBER on a napkin and handed it to her. She took it with a polite smile and tapped Wednesday on the shoulder, signalling it was time to leave. 

I gave her a polite smile which she giggled and waved goodbye. Goddamn. I thought, my eyes darkening at her sexy giggle. I could only watch as her sweet ass and thick thighs jiggled away from me. I wanted to bend her over one of the tables and take her in front of the whole restaurant. But then I'd have to kill everyone for daring to look at her naked body, and for having the audacity to listen to her moans. Her moans and screams were only for my ears. Besides, I have a dick to rip off. 


"P-please Tyler! I didn't know!!"  James (My coworker) screamed. I was in my secret cave, the one Thornhill had used while she tamed my hyde. I chained him to the wall and had beaten him senseless. I threw another punch, breaking his jaw. "I don't fucking care whether or not you knew she was mine, anyone who dares to even breath in her direction gets killed, you only made it worse by giving her that fucking napkin."  I snarled, glaring down at the pathetic boy. He wasn't even worthy of breathing the same air as my darling, so giving her his number was out of the question. "I-I'm sorry man. Pl-please, I'll do anything, just stop."  He begged, falling to his knees.

An idea came to me, a wicked grin forming on my face.  "Actually, now that I think about it. You can do something for me."  I said, stepping back.  "A-anything, please!"  He said, his eyes filling with hope. Though that hope quickly dissipated when I took off my belt.  "I've been thinking about my Abby so much lately. I've been dying to feel her pink pussy wrapped around my dick, of her squirting into my lap while she rides me. I've been dreaming about her gorgeous lips wrapping around my cock and sucking me dry."   I started, getting harder with ever word I said. I pulled my pants and boxers down, leaving my lower half bare, my huge dick standing at attention, imagining Abby commanding it.  "I've been getting so hard it hurts, my hand isn't very effective these days. So perhaps you can help."   I finished. James' eyes widened with fear. 

"O-okay."  He whispered hesitantly, he truly was willing to do anything to stop me. I put my hands on the wall. He opened his mouth and I shoved my full length between his lips and closed my eyes. I felt him choking on my cock and heard him sputtering.  "Shut up."  I growled, trying to imagine my Abby on her knees instead. "Fuck."  I groaned when he started sucking. MY hips began to thrust instinctively  and James had to rest his head against the wall of the cave to keep from being bludgeoned to death from my rough thrusts.

I moaned as his image shifted to a beautiful picture of Abby. Her lips wrapped around my dick, tears poking the corners of her eyes as she choked on my smooth cock. Her thighs appearing thicker as she kneeled before me. "Oh God!" Her soft black hair bouncing with each thrust. I whimpered as I felt my end approaching. It had been almost two months since I had cum, meaning it hurt in the best possible way to finally be able to cum. "Swallow."  I commanded as my release finally arrived. I was breathing heavily, this moment seemed perfect, my Abby on her knees for me, swallowing my cum like a good girl. But then I had to open my eyes. My hand was in James's hair, he looked traumatized and disheveled. Not like I cared. I smirked down at him.  "Now, back to the torture."


"AHHHHH!!! You said you'd let me go!!" James screamed. I had been torturing him for an hour, he was bruised and hand several broken bones. I had barely gotten started though.  "You really think I'm going to forgive for touching my girl just because you sucked my cock?"  I teased stepping away to grab something to help me torture him. He just sat pathetically on the floor, crying to be released. I couldn't forgive him for flirting with Abby though. I pulled out some pliers. Stalking back over to him he began to scream again. When he opened his mouth I grabbed his broken jaw, holding it open as I reached in. It took a while but I plucked out almost all of his teeth. He was bleeding profusely, crying like the little bitch he is. That didn't stop me though. 

Next I reached up and held on of his fingers still. He begged and pleaded but that only gave me more pleasure. I trapped his fingernail between the teeth of the pliers and yanked it out. His shrill scream rang through the cave. I didn't stop until all his fingernails had been removed. Next I pulled out a pair of scissors. I grabbed his hand again, spreading his fingers, I snipped the webbed area between his fingers. I did that on all his fingers. Finally I lifted his chin gently. "This is what you deserve. For Touching my girl, and now... for looking at her."  I snarled before driving the scissors into his eye, I stabbed a little too deep, reaching his brain and destroying his temporal lobe. I smirked and wiggled the scissors back and forth in his brain, causing bits of his brain to seep out of the hole I had created. Yanking the scissors out I let his head loll forward. His brains spilled out of the whole in his socket, taking his eyeball along with it. His face was stuck in a permanent scream, death having taken him. But I wasn't done, not with the corpse at least.

I snipped off the cartilage that had breathed in her scent, next I cut off the ears that had heard her voice, stabbing my scissors into the hole on the side of his head to destroy his eardrum and cochlea. I watched as more of his brains seeped out of his ears, smiling to myself. I chopped off the hands that had brushed against my Abby when he handed her her drink. I wrapped them up in white tissue paper to make sure that none of the blood would get on her favorite kind of bubble wrap that I then slipped into a box. 


I was walking to her house, with her present in hand. After I had disposed of the body I had wrapped the box with James' hands in it, in a beautiful wrapping paper that had her favorite flowers (Peonies) in black and purple. Her favorite combination of colors. And I tied it with a cute purple bow. I placed my gift on her front porch and rang the doorbell, hiding in the shadows of the forest that surrounded her beautiful house. I watched her open the door, my heart pounded at her attire. She had on nothing but a bra and sweatpants, I was about 50 feet away, and she still somehow managed to give me a boner. I could hardly wait for the day when my Abby would help me with them instead of leaving me wanting like this.

She picked up my gift, looking at it with curiosity. She looked so adorable with her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Her gorgeous stretch marks swayed like water, her belly jiggling as she stepped forward, looking around for any sign of a messenger. Her one of her chubby cheeks hollowed as she nibbled the inside of her cheek in confusion. She turned, giving me a perfect view of her ass, more of her stretch marks peeked out of her sweatpants and all I wanted to do was rush over, rip her pants down and kiss everyone of her beautiful tiger stripes as I fucked her into oblivion. But I had to resist.

As I walked off into the night I was thanked with a scream of pure terror...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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