(MHA/BNHA)1a - Warehouses and 1a

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*Yandere, Harem, Swearing* (Muerte Negra is spanish for black death)

"Hey Alia!" Kirishima shouted, basically standing on Bakugou waving his hands like a mad man. You see I was at the mall, I was going shopping with the Bakusquad. I had heard the class muttering something earlier about it being their "turn" with me. Not sure what that was about but I'm still glad to be going out with friends. "Hey guys-" "Hurry up loser, we're wasting time standing around for you." Bakugou interjected. "Aww is someone on their period?" I asked in my bady voice, gently patting his spikes, he turned to growl at me. Mina looped her arm into mine and started marching us to Forever 21. She has some weird taste. As we walked away I heard Bakugou mutter to Kirishima, "I didn't tell her stop." 

We walked into the store and was met by some teenagers. One of the girls seemed to pay special attention to me. "Hi, welcome. If there's anything I can help you with let me know." One of the employees said. Sero popped up behind me, dragging me away from the chick that was staring at me. We had been searching for a bra for Denki when I bumped into that girl again. She pinned me against the shelf, one of her fingers came up to hold my chin. "Interesting, you look better up close and personal." She whispered getting closer. Just as she was about to force a connection Kirishima yanked her off. Bakugou stepped between the two of us and started cussing her out. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN YOU BITCH ASS WHORE!! AM I BEING CLEAR YOU DUMB ASS EXTRA!!" Bakugou was attracting a ton of attention, and for once, instead of trying to calm him down Kirishima just stood there glaring, letting him blow up (no pun intended) at the girl. She started to tear up and ran off. 

I looked up when the embarrassment had died down and there they were. Bakugou, Kirishima and Sero were glaring at ME. Mina was looking worried and Denki was glaring at where she had stood. "What, you seriously think this is MY fault?" I asked. "No of course not, but you should have screamed for us, you should have pushed her away or something, but no, you just stood there and took it." Sero said, the frustration still very evident in his voice. "You are blaming me!" I gasped. I glared at each of them, but not for very long. Mina grabbed my head and pulled it down to her chest for a hug. Which was really awkward. "Of course we don't blame you, Sero doesn't know what he's talking about." She said through gritted teeth, though I missed the glare she sent him. "Ok, ok ya'll we're just hungry, so let's go eat and put this behind us!" Denki said, grabbing my arm and racing us to the food court. Allowing the others time to reprimand Sero for offending me. 

Bakugou POV

After the whole mall shit we met up with the rest of 1a to fill them in on everything. "She did WHAT!" Stupid Deku questioned. He honestly got kind of scary when someone hurt our Alia. "Oh that little whore is soooo dead." He finished. Momo created a hammer and some duck tape. We all looked at each other and nodded. "Meeting adjourned." Iida said. We all stood up and placed our traditional kiss on our Alia May shrine. Hagakure, Tokoyami, Jiro and Deku had all worked together to gather enough of her things to create this. Her perfume was my personal favorite, sometimes I would steal it to spray in my room. Smelling her helped me sleep. And now we would put down another prick in her name.

My time to shine. Once Todoroki had found the bitch's address I would get to bring her into our little 'toy box'. According to Deku and his dumb 'timeline' we'll get to bring Alia there in about 3 more months. None of us were really happy about it but it's not quite ready for our queen yet. Anyways, we've arrived at the bitch's house. It was small, and ugly. I made my way to the back door with Kiri. This dumb ass had forgotten to lock the damn door. Oh she was asking for it. I slipped into her house, it smelled rancid, nothing like Alia's. Princess always made sure her house smelled like lavender. But this bitch wouldn't even be worthy of rotten fish. The whole place reeked of sex. We need to get in and out. 

Kiri walked to her room, creaking the door open slowly. She had another whore in bed with her. Ugh, she's disgusting. Kiri took the hammer Momo had created, raised it above his head, and brought it down on the new whore. This woke up bitch face who got one of my explosions in her face, knocking her out too. I grabbed the new whore and Kiri hauled the bitch over his shoulder. He nodded to me and walked out to meet the gang in the car. I walked over to the kitchen with this new whore and lit the stove. I placed her on top of it and wiped some of my sweat on her. After that I walked out, making sure that the body and the house had lit on fire. The police needed a body to find and that's what they'd get. I looked at the others, Mina was driving. This bitch would be in HELL for the next couple of days, just until she got annoying enough to get rid of.

We would do anything for our princess. And if anyone thinks that they can ruin Deku's timeline, they would REGRET it.

(Comment on whether or not you want a part 2 of the torture. I'll probably end up doing one anyways but still, I'd like to here feedback.)

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