(Scream) Billy Loomis - Thinking of You

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*No breaking the "underwear" rule (yet;)), swearing, sexual innuendo*

Dear diary, Today was mediocre at best. I had to deal fucking sYdnEy today and it was SOOOOO frustrating. She is such a pick me that she would make the pick me's cringe. At least she's not Bella from twilight, but she's pretty damn close. I had to sit next to her in class and we have a project we're doing. Well, it's more of a three person project, Me, Sydney and her boyfriend Billy Loomis the mega hotty emo jock. Honestly I have no idea why the teacher didn't put me with my bestie Tatum. I don't mind Billy, he could come over any time, though him and his penis don't deserve Sid. They've been together for over a year now and they haven't even had sex. I mean come on, you're dating with Billy fucking Loomis and you're still a freakin virgin. I'm just surprised she wasn't on her knees in a week. I mean honestly-

Ding Dong!! Oh, shit! "Speak of the Devil and he shall appear." I grumbled to myself. Loomis and Prescott were coming over for dinner and the project. "Coming!!" I shouted. I slipped my diary back into it's inconspicuous place on my book shelf and hopped to the door. "Hey, it's... nice to see you again Emei." Sydney said with her basic bitch voice the second I opened the door. I returned her politeness with a firm look, glaring would hurt because of my headache. Loomis stood behind her, quiet as a mouse. His stare was blank and almost threatening. My attention turned back to Sydney, "It's Emilia to you, Tatum and Stu get to call me Emei, YOU get to call me Emilia." Sydney looked down in embarrassment, stuttering out something or other while I stood aside to let the two in. My demeanor relaxed once they had stepped inside, although it was still stern. "The living room is to the left, dinning room to the right, and bathroom is right at the end of the hall. Make yourself a guest and please... try not to snoop." 

I didn't want them here, I just need to get this project finished tonight so they don't have to come back. "Make yourself a guest?" The first thing he has said all night and he was questioning my authority. "Yes, this is not your home, so make yourself a guest. I barley want you around as it is. Oh. And dinner is in 5. We're having burgers." I said, I had worked on these burgers for maybe 10 or so minutes so I was hoping they'd turn out ok. "Oh. I'm actually a vegetarian." Sydney whispered, still wary from my last reprimand. "Then you can starve, I won't tolerate vegetarians on my property." I growled back, trying a scowl but it hurt my head too much to hold. (No hate to vegetarians I'm just not a huge fan of that life.) She just puts her head down again, pussy. Surprisingly Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome does nothing to help her. 

He instead is in the living room writing on a piece of paper, I could only stare for a second. His dark eyes scanning lazily over the paper, his hair falling gently over his face. "What are you doing?" I slightly grumble, "Working on our project, since clearly you two would rather argue." he replies, "Can't be an argument if she doesn't fight back." I quipped. "Alright well I need to make sure our food doesn't burn, you guys start working." I finished, walking out of the room. 

It was after dinner, we were 3/4 through the project and my head was KILLING me. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. "Hey I'm going to grab some tylenol real quick. Keep working without me I can't remember where I put it." I said standing up and walking out the door. I had been searching for about 3 minutes now, I finally walked into the guest bathroom and found it in a cabinet. Just as I was about to walk out Billy walked in. Now the bathroom was not very large, the door just barely grazed the sink, so when he opened it he pinned me between himself and the sink. Although I'm pretty sure he meant to do that considering what happened next...

The door swung towards me just as I was about to walk out, Billy walked in and pinned me against the sink closing door behind himself. "You make it so hard to keep pretending to like her." He whispered, it was surprisingly sexy. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, doing that sexy heavy breathing thing to let me know he was turned on. "Well maybe that's a sign. She's a little bitch anyway." I replied, I mean... I didn't WANT to be a whore, but he makes it so hard. His hand went to my ass pulling it closer to him. This action caused me to feel... ahem... HIM. I was wound up now. His face was in my neck, I could feel him breathing me in and I could hardly take it. My breath hitched and my eyes closed, I felt one of his hands crawl up my arm and another to my neck holding me in place. I felt his uncertainty growing, he slowly started to pull away. I quickly shut down any thought of escape, one of my hands grabbed him by the shirt, and the other went to his hair. I pulled his lips to mine. 

He was better than I expected. His fingers played with the rim of my shirt, even sliding under them at times. Not that I cared all that much though. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss, and his lips flicked over mine requesting access. Instead I smirked and squeezed my tongue through his lips. Our tongues fought for dominance in his mouth, he ended up winning and I allowed him to explore and claim every inch of my mouth. "Hey I need some help here!" Sydney's voice interrupted our session. We smiled at each other knowing that this was our little secret. Billy walked out first, then I waited a couple of minutes before joining the not-so-couple. Billy and I shared a prideful look behind her back and we got back to work.

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