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Narinder had never really grasped the fact that Lamby was a sheep. Sometimes it sort of just popped in his mind, random things reminded him. Lambs bleats, sometimes their ears flap. What really reminded him though, was the fact that every summer, they would shave their wool very short, on their body. They would leave their head fuzzy, but their body would be shaved bare. It was quite amusing, and quite frankly, not a big deal.

The Lamb was in their shared tent with Narinder, and their other spouse, Poppy. They were shaving their belly, humming the hymns of their cult as they did so. Narinder was napping, and Poppy was sweeping the fuzz off the floor as Lamby worked.
"Poppy darling, do I look bald when I shave all my wool? What do you do with it when it's all off," the Lamb asked, turning to her.
"Well, sometimes we make more fabric for the carpets, or for our clothes. As for you being bald, no. You always leave this very short layer of fuzz, and your belly is always so soft afterward. Like a puppy."
"Like a puppy, you say?"
"Mhm. Just like a puppy." The canine kissed her spouse, sweeping up more wool.

Narinders nap ended around 30 minutes after that conversation. Lamby was outside, so was Poppy. He was alone. It wasn't a problem for him, he just wasn't expecting that. He got out of the tent, rubbing his eyes as he stretched. He looked for Lambert, their bright red cape catching his eye. He ran over, pulling them into a backwards hug, kissing their cheeks.
"Oh, Narinder my love, did you have blessed dreams?"
"I did dar- where did all your wool go?"
"...I- I shaved it, why?"
"Why'd you shave it? I liked your fuzz."
"It gets too hot in the summertime. You know how easily I become ill from overheating."
"But, you were so soft!"
"I'm still soft, it's just short. my belly is still soft, in fact, even softer now, because there's no more itchy, matted wool in the way."
"But you were fuuuuuzzyyyyy!!"
"And I was iiiitchyyyy!!!"
The lamb kissed him again, petting under his chin.
"I had to do what was good for me, and that was shaving. I'd shave you too if that meant I could see your sexy muscles."
"Oh stop, don't flatter me.."
"Really dear, I should shave you. You'd look funny bald."
"You already do look funny bald."

Their fingers entwined, and they looked into each others eyes. The love that Lamby felt for Narinder and Poppy was immeasurable, and the look in their eyes left them melting. They could spend an eternity with the two of them.

...even though their baldness offended them both.

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