Chapter 6

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Friday morning, Abhi joins Aaru, Maady, Anya and Soham at the bus stop.

"Hey man", Maddy greets giving him a hug.

Abhi nods, "Hey.", but his eyes were glued to a particular person, who was trying hard not to look at him or acknowledge his presence.

Abhi looks at Maddy feeling helpless. Maddy stays silent patting his back, as the bus arrives.

Abhi, who is the last person who got onto the bus, notices Aaru and Soham sitting close together, chatting amicably. Abhi hated the way Soham leaned close to her whispering to her, making her flush.

Abhi walked stiffly and settled in between Anya and Maddy, behind Aaru and Soham.

Anya takes one look at Abhi and understands his problem, "Are you alright?"

Abhi nods stiffly looking down, not being able to look at the sight in front of him.

"Can I go back home?", Abhi asks Maddy and Anya.

"Absolutely not, you need to realize why you are feeling like this.", Anya admonishes him.

"Even If I do feel something I don't think I have a chance.", Abhi says looking out the window.

"You won't know unless you try.", Maddy says.

Abhi remains quiet, till they reach the library.

The group walks in and finds a quiet table tucked into the corner. Aaru immediately sits next to Soham. She hoped Abhi would want to sit next to her, but she smashed that thought into smithereens when he sat as far away from her as he could.

Don't wait for him, her brain scolded her. 

"I need a few reference books, care to help me out?", Soham asks leaning close to her. He seems to be doing that a lot, not sure If she liked it though.

Aaru looks up to see Abhi staring at her, with something akin to hurt in his eyes. She frowns in thought at why he was hurt. She came back to her senses when she realized Soham had asked her something.

"Yeah sure, come on.", they walk away.

They return a few minutes later, with a stack of books. Silence falls, as everyone is busy studying.

Anya suddenly pipes up, "I'm hungry, I am heading to the cafe across the street. Who's joining me?"

"Me", Aaru says.

"I'll join too, I'm not letting you two girls go alone", Maddy says getting up.

Soham and Abhi exchange a glance before Abhi says, "We'll stay here then."

Soham nods, "Yeah, no problem."

Aaru, Anya and Maddy leave the two of them alone, before walking across the street to the cafe.

As they are buying, they hear the panic and shouts across the streets. Aaru walks out of the cafe, to see smoke curling up from the library, as the sound of a fire alarm pierces the air.

Aaru gasps in shock as her thoughts immediately go to Abhi. 

"Maddy, Maddy Abhi is still in there", Aaru shouts as she tries to rush across the street.

"Aaru calm down, calm down first.", Maddy says.

People rush out of the library from all directions, as the left wing catches fire and burns brightly.

The three of them rush across the street, pushing through the crowd forming in front of the library.

Aaru looks around frantically trying to catch a glimpse of anyone familiar.

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