Chapter 9

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Sunday morning, Aaru arrives at the bust stop 5 minutes early, and waits for Soham.

"Heyy, sorry I'm late. You look pretty by the way.", Soham grins.

"Thanks", Aaru smiles, "And no you weren't late, I was early."

"So where are we headed?", Aaru asks.

"We are going to the city market.", Soham grins.

Aaru's eyes widen, "Really?"

"Yup, I do know you love food.", Soham says.

"That I do.", Aaru laughs.

"So?", Soham.

Aaru shows him her puppy eyes, "Can we walk there?"

"As you wish, my lady", Soham grins making Aaru laugh.

The same morning, Maddy calls Abhi, who hasn't slept a wink the night before.

"Hey Abhi, you are awake right?", Maddy asks.

"I should have been asleep in the first place to be awake.", Abhi mutters.

"What? You didn't sleep the whole night?", Maddy asks shocked and worried.

"It's fine really, I don't feel sick physically. Not sure mentally.", Abhi says sounding exhausted.

"So you did realize, you're in love with her.", Maddy says.

"Yeah, I guess I did. Only to get rejected, even before I confessed properly.", Abhi mutters.

"They are currently on a date now.", Maddy says.

Abhi sighs, "Madhav are you seriously my friend? Man, way to rub salt on the wound. I already know."

"You know?! How?", Maddy asks.

"She told me yesterday, that she's going to pick him over me.", Abhi says squeezing his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry Abhi. I did try to make you realize it sooner.", Maddy says.

"Me too man, me too. But I guess I did hurt her a lot, unknowingly. So she deserves Soham.", Abhi mumbles.

"Don't say that man. I still think you deserve her more than some boy who left for years in between and just returned.", Maddy says.

"Nice of you to say that", Abhi smiles.

"Ok then, take care. I'll come to see you later.", Maddy says cutting the call.

Abhi sighs before lying back down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Abhi gets up suddenly, an idea striking him.

He takes his jacket and rushes out not before yelling, "Amma, I'm heading over to Aaru's house."

"W-what? But-", his mother shouts but he was already out the door.

Abhi rings their doorbell and waits nervously until Aaru's mother opens the door.

"Abhi? Hello dear, how are you doing? Come on in", Aaru's mom asks rather surprised.

"I'm doing great Aunty.", Abhi smiles as he walks in.

"Oh wait, are you here for Aaru? I'm afraid she's gone out with Soham.", Aaru's mother tells him.

"Yeah, I know. They are on a date.", Abhi says looking down. Her mother catches the sudden drop in his tone but chooses not to address it.

"But, I want to spend time with you. It's been so long and I'm bored at home.", Abhi says looking up and giving her a smile.

"Of course. Ok then, I have to make sweets to distribute to your mother and Maddy's mom and my neighbours. You can help me with that. Hurry up now.", Aaru's mom says shooing him into the kitchen.

"Here wear this apron, and then start by mixing the flour here.", she says passing him a bowl.

"Yes ma'am", Abhi grins before doing as she says.

A few hours later, all the sweets were ready and stacked on the table. Abhi stands on the balcony, lost in thought looking at nothing in particular.

Aaru's mom walks up to him and hands him a glass of water.

Abhi smiles and takes it, "Thank you, Aunty."

"Is there any problem going on between Aaru and you?", she asks suddenly.

Abhi's eyes widen, "U-um, it's nothing, Aunty."

"Are you sure? Despite making my daughter cry for years, I know it wasn't your fault. You never knew I'm guessing.", she says.

"I didn't realize at all, and now that I did, I don't think she feels the same. And I don't even care about how I feel right now, I just hate myself for hurting her for years and never knowing about it. Aunty, I'm sorry.", Abhi says looking down.

"It was never your fault, you never realized her feelings, but you were always with her. You supported her and made her smile. Despite being the person who made her sad, you made her happy too.", Aaru's mom smiles.

Abhi smiles back, "Thank you for the reassurance, Aunty. But she's finally happy now."

"Is she really or are you just telling yourself that? Do you think it's easy to forget 6 years of love? Think about it.", Aaru's mother says ruffling his hair before going back inside.

Abhi sighs groaning, ugh more thinking.

As evening comes, Abhi gets ready to leave and go back to his house.

Abhi suddenly freezes, when he hears Soham and Aaru's voices outside.

"Do you want to stay, since Aaru's back?", her mom asks.

"No, no. Aunty, I'll go out through the back door. Bye", Abhi says kissing her cheek before rushing out through the back door.

Aaru's mother shakes her head, "This boy"

Right at that moment, the front door opens and Aaru walks in with a small smile on her face.

"Hey how'd it go?", her mom asks her.

"It went well actually. Really well.", Aaru says.

"I can sense a but...", her mother says.

"But, I don't like him that way. Not one bit. So I said no.", Aaru says.

Her mother smiles, "Guess who came over and helped me make sweets today and even clean the house?"

"Who? The aunty next door?", Aaru asks clueless.

"Abhinav", her mom grins.

"He did what? What did he say?", Aaru asks her mouth falling agape in shock.

"He said a lot of things. What do you want to hear?", her mom smirks.

"Amma don't. I'm going to my room", Aaru shakes her head flushing.

"Aaru, won't you talk to him and listen to what he has to say?", her mom asks.

Aaru stops on the threshold of her room, "I don't know amma, I want to. But I'm scared of what he has to say." Aaru walks into her room shutting the door, making her mom sigh.

Aaru walks back into the hall yelling, "Amma, I'm going to the park."

"Okay", her mom replies.

Abhi reaches home and sits on his bed sighing. He thinks back to when he heard Aaru and Soham's voices out the door. They seemed happy, and Aaru seemed to be laughing at something he said. So the date had gone well, he thought with a sad sigh. He wanted her to be happy no doubt. But there was also the selfish part of him, that wishes she didn't laugh at his jokes.

He didn't realize, the warm tears that were making their way down his face. God man, don't be a fucking baby, he thought hastily wiping off the tears.

He grabs his jacket before walking out the door, having no idea where he's going.


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