Chapter 40 - Don't Leave Me

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The moment the words left my mouth, I knew I had set in place my demise. Or did I?
Four bullets left the agents guns, just a single one leaving mine.
Springtrap turned, pressing his large form up against mine, shielding me from the incoming fire.
I heard the sound of metal clanking as the bullets hit his back. I wasn't worried about him getting hurt, since he couldn't feel pain, but these things can still leave scars on the mind.
I didn't even get a chance to speak, before I felt the cold silver collide against the side of my shoulder. Despite it being just a quick nick, I still felt immerse pain running up and down my arm.
One of the four bullets had skimmed my shoulder, letting a fresh surge of blood to drip from my newly made wound. I struggled to hold back yelling.

Everything seemed to pick up. All I remember was Springtrap pulling me up into his arms, and racing away down a hall.
I pressed my hand against my shot trying to stop the bleeding. "God damn it." I groaned, trying to stay calm.
Springtrap and I found a hiding spot in a nearby storage closet. He shut the door quickly, still holding me close to his chest.
Slowly, I pulled away from my husband glancing towards my shoulder, blood now staining my sleeve.
I raised my hands up to my face, pulling them down my cheeks in frustration. "This is all my fault." I began, still clutching my arm. "We were finally safe at home, but I was stupid and had to try being a hero."
The yellow bunny frowned, rubbing my back. "Don't blame yourself darling, you were just trying to what's best." He sighed. "I should be to blame for this mess. I shouldn't have lied to you about who I was. It's just, I wanted to leave that part of me in the past. Roger Stanford was a bad man, a treacherous person who didn't care about the lives of those around him. He took everything from everyone. He put himself above others." Springtrap stared down at me, his knees pressed up against his chest. "I never wanted you to know anymore about that man then you already did."
Still struggling to hold back the pain I felt, I reached my non injured arm up to my husbands snout, gazing into his beautiful purple eyes. "I don't care about who you used to be Springtrap. I fell in love with the man you are now, and that's all that matters to me."
Springtrap leaned down towards me, his face inches from mine. "Promise?" He asked.
I nodded with a smile. "I promise, my dear."
The golden rabbit chuckled, pressing his lips up against mine.
The two of us sat there embracing each other's presence for a few seconds, before I opened my eyes, letting my head fall back.
A snicker of laughter escaped me. "I wanna fuck you so bad, but I'm currently bleeding out of my shoulder."
The robot's eyes widened, a look of realization upon him. "Shit, shit, shit." He repeated. "My bad, uh, um." He looked around, grasping onto a loose rag and wrapping it around my wound.
My arm felt numb, but it was the only way to stop the bleeding and also prevent any infection.
I finally leaned back against the wall of the closet, trying to relax my muscles. "Now what do we do?" I questioned. "We're trapped in a rundown haunted house with two deranged agents trying to kill me, and my psychotic father trying to kill you. Plus there's that fucking big boss who's after you."
My husband looked away for a moment, clearly deep in thought.
After a few moments, he locked eyes with me once more, a genuine smile on his face, and a look of sympathy shining back at me.
"I love you so much Y/N. You know that right?" He said.
"Of course I do." I replied.
"Which is why I can't let you get more hurt than you already are." He sat up in an instant, pulling the closet door open and shutting me in from the outside.
I fell forward, reaching towards the door. I stumbled over, trying to shove it open. "Springtrap!" I cried.
A loud smash sounded from the other side. My husband had broken the lock, trapping me inside the cluttered storage closet.
Tears began forming from my E/C eyes. "You can't leave me here! You promised we'd do this together! You promised we were forever!" I slammed my fists against the door.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but I won't let you risk your life because of my wrong doings. You only get one life, I want you to live it." Springtrap answered softly from the other side.
"But living my life won't mean anything unless you're in it!" I responded, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Please Springtrap! Don't end what we have! I don't wanna be alone!" My head was pressed up against the door at this point.
Springtrap let out a sigh, a slight sting of pain in his tone. "Goodbye Y/N... thank you for showing me how to love again..."
I dug my nails into the door, choking on my tears. "Springtrap!"

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