Revenge (Dabi)

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Tw: talk of depression + a bit of suicide, gun violence, murder

I knew what would slip from his beautiful yet deadly lips the second he was told to "choose between your lover or the city." Naturally, he chose the city as any sane hero would.

I closed my eyes and let my head drop.

I waited.

The shot never rang.

I looked up and turned to see the villain's face to my right. His face held no emotion as he stared down my fiancé. I turned my attention to Jin and he was confused.

"You said her or the city, right? So shoot her. Kill her!" he dared Dabi.

I reeled back and pressed myself against Dabi. At the moment I was far more afraid of Jin than I was of Dabi.

Uravity, Jin's coworker entered the room. "Nanami!" she called out. She stepped forward and Jin held out his arm: stopping her. She looked at him horrified.

Dabi turned to Uravity, "good luck."

I felt myself being pulled backwards as explosions were heard around us. Uravity reached forward, and the world I knew disappeared.

I saw a portal close and Kurogiri formed in front of me. This was going to be my end. I was sure of it.

I closed my eyes tightly and waited. If I was going to die, I didn't want to watch the demented joy the villains would get from it.

Instead of feeling pain or losing consciousness, Dabi released his grip on my arm. I then felt my hand cuffs loosening then dropping to the ground with a loud clank. It was the only sound in the room beyond the breath of a few individuals. I couldn't pin down how many there were, and at the moment, I didn't care.

I waited. Nothing.

I peaked one eye open and Kurogiri had not moved. I turned slowly looked around the room. There were only the two men, and we were in a bar.

I moved my wrists up slowly so they were in my line of sight. I gently rubbed my fingers along my wrists. I was glad of the new found freedom- though I was unsure of how much I truly had. My curiosity killed me though. "Why?"

Dabi stepped closer to me. So close I could smell the mint in his breath. "It'd be a shame to waste such beauty. If you were mine I would have burned the world with my own bare hands. I wouldn't have even let you leave for fear of the light of my life having the potential of extinguishing."

My eyes widened and my face started to burn. I had never heard anyone say anything with such earnest nor conviction. Especially spoken to me, even if it was a figurative speech. It felt like a line a studio Ghibi character would have said.

Kurogiri coughed, dragging our attention to him. My gaze didn't leave Dabi though and his didn't dare shift from my own either, as Kurogiri spoke. "I am headed to bed. Do as you wish. Our job is complete for now." He slowly walked passed us, which I carefully watched from the corner of my eye.

"Tell me the truth," I demanded, "why am I still alive?"

Dabi murmured, "I don't know." He paused. "But you may go."

I thought of how to reply, what to do, but all that plagued my mind was, "go where?"

"Back home? To your friends? Family? Your boyfriend even," he suggested.

I finally broke his gaze as I glanced down, "Jin was my only friend. I'm not the social type, and I'm an orphan."

Dabi took a minute to think before suggesting, "stay here."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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