Unique Encounter

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"Hi there!" A young and pretty lady said as she sat down next to a quiet looking boy. They were in the cafeteria and everyone was eating. The boy didn't seem too interested in his food.
He turned to the lady and her breathe caught when their eyes met. Her smile wiped off her face and she quickly apologised before walking away from the boy, leaving him alone just like before. Just like always. What she saw in his eyes wasn't common, but everyone with a mind knew that you don't try and make small talk with someone like him. His eyes showed pain. More pain than a human could possible bear. The lady wondered what had happened to the boy, and how he had not lost his mind, but she said nothing, she knew not to.

Akamatsu sighed. He wanted to talk to someone, he really did, but he couldn't help that he projected a negative aura to the people around him. He looked back down to his food as brought up his hand, seeing how steady it was, how it had always been. For five long years, he'd never been able to feel nervous, shaky, indecisive. The only thing that made him shake was rage. However he kept that locked away inside. He didn't want to become trouble, no matter how much he was hurting. He held the piece of bread in his hand for a few seconds before closing his eyes and putting it back down. There was a loud noise coming from the other side of the room. Aka's curiosity sparked and he turned around to view the verbal brawl between two trainee's. One was a boy from the Shiganishina District, just like himself, the other one was a quite obnoxious man, who seemed to have something to prove, and someone to prove it to.
"Kids love to play fight, guess they haven't grown up yet." A tall and well-built blonde man whispered to Akamatsu, who turned his head and came very close to the other mans face who had leant down to speak to him. The other man sat down next to him and smiled, "I'm Reiner Braun, most people call me Braun." He held out his hand for The boy to shake, but he didn't react, he was confused, the man had confused him. No, he had confused himself. His heart beat was increasing and he could feel that his body was getting hotter. But he didn't know why. 'Maybe I'm ill.' He thought, which quickly out his mind at ease and brought him back to reality. "This is the point where you give me your name kid." The other man laughed and grinned.

"Aka." He replied as he looked down, he felt uncomfortable under the mans gaze. That had not happened to him for a long time, to feel intimidated.

Reiner leaned back and stretched his arms across the empty chair to his left and Aka's own chair, "Is that short for something?" He asked another question, leaning his head down to catch Aka's attention, a pleased smile of achievement spread across his face as Aka looked up and let his gaze.

"Akamatsu" He replied, "I have to go." Aka got up stand, but so did Reiner. He gripped onto Aka's wrist and pulled their chests together. The closest Aka had been to anyone.

"I like your name, it's different." Reiner smirked before letting go of Akamatsu. At first the boy didn't move, so Reiner decided to take matters into his owns hands.

It was safe to say that Reiner liked Akamatsu, not just in the friendly way, more in the sexual way. Reiner had already overcome one hurdle without fully knowingly asking. Akamatsu was gay. However as many people noticed, he wasn't the sort to talk, let alone do anything further with a guy.

"Where are we going?" Aka managed to stutter out as he followed the large blonde man out of the Hall and into the cold outside air.

Aka crashed into Reiner's body when they came to a sudden stop. He tried to pull away from the heat of the mans body, but Reiner now had a firm grip on Aka's waist.

Slowly, Reiner backed him up more and more until Akamatsu felt the cold wood of a Sleeping Cabin.

Akamatsu skin was on fire where Reiner was pressing down, his gaze was locked with Reiner's own, and his arms began to move.

Aka used the element of surprise to flip Reiner up and knock him down to the floor in less than 5 seconds. He turned around to see the massive man on the floor clutching his head and groaning.

"Fuck, you got me you lil' shit" Reiner was smiling now as he got himself to his feet, and surprisingly enough, for the first time in 5 years, Akamatsu found himself smiling back.

So what do you guys think about this?? I love Attack on Titan and although I don't read the manga I do love the Anime. This story is going to be mainly focused on an AkaxReiner romance however that's it going to be the only love blossoming in this Fanfiction ;) if you do like it please do tell because I'm thinking of beginning a Fairy Tail Fanfiction also along with a Soul Eater Fanfiction so yh just let me know and thanks for reading ^_^


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