The Colour I Love

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The rain won't stop pouring since early afternoon on that day. The whole city of Jingshan regency seemed to be wet until the night comes to the wee hours. But the rain and the solid dark of the night didn't stop some of residents to continue their night activities, wether because it supposed to be on demand or just for the desire only. And it happened to a man who drove an old pick up, sliding into the wet and slippery asphalted road that seems to be a little more empty compares when it was in the day.

The audio from the CD's player inside his car playing the beats of a catchy song with dark lyrics. He whistled to the song and sometimes he grinned when he heard the lyrics.

"You better run, better run
Outrun my gun!'

He shouted the lyrics then he grinned soundly. It seemed that he has something to be proud of. His fingers tapped the steering wheel passionately.

His car's lights caught a glimpse of a dog standing on his way. He saw it. He even could see that the dog was limply walking crossed the road when it saw his car was coming, but he had no intention to slow down. He even pushed the accelerator deeper and...


He laughed his lungs out when he hit the dog and he was able to feel the sound bump that shook the car when he's hitting it.

"Who told you to stand on my way, Bitch....!" He muttered after he ends the laugh. Then his eyes suddenly turned to the dark and cold sight when he found the end of the city.

He turned left at the end of the road, entering the small road with bushes on both sides. The street lamps weren't as bright and plenty as the road he had run on before. But he seemed to be familiar with the situation as he still driving calmly. Sometimes his body shook up and down when the wheels of his vehicle bump on the popping stones on the road.

A long the way of the remote area, there was none of houses built around that bushed and forested land. The area looks like an unused area in the town. Maybe because it's supposed to be as the boundary of the city to the next city.

Note: I had no idea about the situation of the city I mentioned. I only make it up in my fantasy.

After almost an hour he drove on the lonely road, finally the first building could be seen a few yards ahead. But the building seemed to be old and abandoned house for a quite some times. There was no lights lighting the front or back side of the house. If there was no light creeping out of the house, it would be seem to be an empty house. It seemed to be built as a storage space than a house.

He stopped the car in front of the building. After he turns off the engine and the audio he was listening to, he hopped off the car. He took some plastic bags he placed on the back of the car and without bother to lock it, he walked to the building. As he walked closer to the door, it's found out to be locked with a few big padlocks after the big chain criss crossing it.

He put the plastic bags on the ground to unlock the door.

Click! Click! Click!

Three padlocks were unlocked. He pulled the chain and hung it aside with the padlocks that he clicks back to locked position. Then he opened the door. The room was dim as there was only a small light lighting the big room.


He could feel the air came from another side of the door where it's opened. Spontaneously, his hand raised to catch something that flying at him, and he caught a piece of wooden stick. He held on it and jerked it off.


A voice of a female screamed lowly and the thud sound hit the ground could be heard. The man looked at the young girl sitting on the floor. Her face squirmed to the pain.

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