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The situation was tense. Any wrong move could be lethal for them and the princelings. How did no one notice the presence of the new foes almost gave Dark Knight a cold shiver through his spine, but there was no time for hesitation. He had to be straightforward and rapid. The life of the King and his heirs was in danger. He wasn't there when the Lady died. He had to be there to save what was one of the highest prides of his home country. The Royal Family.

Three princelings. Three perpetrators holding knives by their throats, and one big fellow, who didn't seem that harmless. They had to be quick and precise. Any lag and foul could be lethal.

He wasn't alone. There were two professional heroes by his side, a trusty friend, and a good ally. Five against four. But if you take Gum-Boy holding captive Falzon, it already goes down to four. And Spencer, as much as a good fighter he is, is too old to go against one of them, so it already goes down to three and three quarters. He didn't like the odds, but back in the good days of ESSA he had to face worse odds. The only good thing was that he had a great partner.

Back to the scene. He focused on the thugs. The big one could be easily either the most dangerous, or the least one. Quirks always made appearances deceiving. The other three were smaller than the fourth, but still not much smaller than he was. One could probably stand as tall as Edward, the other as tall as Magnus.

But as he noticed the characteristics, he noticed the details.

'...The big one has a preference on the left foot... The shoe seems worn out... Stands a bit crooked... Probably has some past injury on the hips... Right side... A good hit could take out his balance... And his head is a bit crooked too on the right... Thug on Harold... Right footed... Left handed... Bad grip on knife... Inward bent knees... They're narrowing their left eye... Guy on Victoria... Good grip... Right handed... Blade comes out of his wrist... Both eyes narrowed... Guy on Georgia... Stands too straight... Bad feet balance... Holds knife incorrectly... Worried eyes... '

He kept thinking, while one of the three thugs talked.

"Don't make any more moves, or England remains without future Queens and King!" said the one in the middle with a tough male voice. "Boss? Wouldn't it be better if we just captured them and left Fake-Copy?" asked the worried thug.

"Shut it!" he shouted to his colleague, scaring the three heirs, and turning back to the group, "Now! Hand over Fake-Copy!"

"You gave us first them! And then you explain to us your plan!" said Head Guard.

"As if we'll speak of our doings to a 'hero'," spat the other thug with a female voice, "Nor will take orders from one! And besides, you shouldn't be so bossy when we literally have the future of hero society on our hands!"

This seemed to cause some sort of distress to the group. "What do you mean by that!?" Gum-Boy said to the thugs, while still keeping Shade from further yelling.

"Don't you get it?" continued the first thug, "Look at you! You're all here stuck, while we're holding the future of England rulership by the throat! You see the big guy behind us?" she pointed at their big friend, "He can easily take down this whole place. And what will everybody else think?"

Fear struck the rescuers' minds. They immediately understood what that meant. And the situation started to get even more serious inside the house.

"I can already see the headlines: 'Royal family dies under the rubble of their own house. Heroes fail in saving them.' I can already see the protests!"

"And if England fails, it won't be long for other countries to follow," spoke the head of the group, "Maybe Germany will hold on for a little bit more. But they won't be able to withstand the wave."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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