Chapter Eight

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I was glad knowing I had a day off today, since I don't think I'd be able to last a day at work in this state. I woke up with my head ringing, pain panging in my skull. I sat myself up, and dragged myself to the kitchen. Allison was no longer on the couch, she had probably left for her job.
I haphazardly made a cup of coffee and dropped to the sofa. I practically chugged the drink, comprehending the fact it'd wake me up. After awhile of staring off into oblivion, I decided to see how Stiles and possibly Scott were doing. I travelled across the hall to his apartment, and did a weary knock, that clearly they didn't hear, because no one came to the door. After, I tried again, this time pounding on the door rapidly, still no response.
I turned the doorknob, to my surprise the door opening. They forgot to lock the door... lovely.
I went inside to find Scott who seemed dead, lying half on the couch, half on the ground. Stiles was fast asleep on the carpet floor. They sure were heavy sleepers.
" Guys! Wake up!" I shouted.
They didn't budge.
" Stiles! Scott!" I yelled, while stomping, hoping to not wake up any people who live around us.
Then, they both sprung up. Noticing that it was me relaxed them both, and they fell back to the ground.
" Do you guys have work?" I circled them.
" No, we both took days off since he was coming over." Stiles yawned, hiding his face in the carpet.
" Oh, so your plans always included forgetting the night you spent together?" I asked.
Stiles and Scott looked at each other and then at me.
" Something along the lines of that." Scott shrugged.
I walked over to the kitchen counter and found a strip of a napkin. I recollected everything last night about Malia, and the phone number. My jealousy intensified, I glared over at Stiles, who was facing the other way. I had an impulse to toss the paper in the trash, he'd never notice. Before I could do anything beyond think of the idea, Stiles got up and sat on the stool on the other side of the counter.
He saw the slip and laughed, the memories of last night coming back to him.
" Oh yeah! I gotta call Malia." He said her name exotically.
" Yes, man, get it on!" Scott entered the area, patting Stiles on the back.
I smiled at Scott's words. I once again forced my feelings for Stiles away as he looked so proud of getting the number of another woman.
• • •
I awoke from a calm nap by the sound of a door slamming. It made me jump up, scaring me to the bone.
" Hey Lydia!" It was Jackson.
Jesus Christ.
" Jackson, you scared me!" I fell back down into the horizontal position I was lying in.
He walked into my bedroom, he looked very frustrated.
" Oh, sorry..." He trailed off.
" Anyways, one of my buddies was at the bar last night, and he said he saw you and Allison with two guys." Jackson's voice thickened.
" Oh, yeah, I was hanging with some of my buddies." I scratched my head.
" Was it that Stiles, kid?" Jackson crossed his arms.
" Um, you don't need to call him a kid, he's our age." I began to laugh, although Jackson didn't seem to find it funny. I went silent.
" Jackson..."
" I don't like you seeing him." Jackson interrupted.
" Why not? You accused him the first time you saw him and never gave him a chance. You know I can have guy friends." I pointed out.
" He bothers me."
" He bothers you?"
" Yeah, okay, I don't like him."
" Like that's a valid reason. I'm sorry Jackson, I'll never see him again." I mocked him.
" I'm getting really tired of you!" He stormed out. I was just not in the mood for his paranoid ass right now. I then fell right back to sleep.

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