7 - Friends!

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This one is really short, only 450 words, but it's also cute, so I have to publish it xD


They're friends now.
For the rest of the day, Sam has a wide smile stuck on his face that he can't seem to get rid of. As soon as school is let out, he runs out to his ride excitedly, which is rare for him. "Daren, Daren! I made a friend! I have a friend!" He's practically bouncing with excitement as Daren steps out to greet him. It's the same man that dropped Sam off at Jacob's house.
"He stood up to a mean kid for me and then said we were friends!" He's almost running out of breath because everything he has said so far has been said in the span of like, five seconds. He's speaking too fast for Daren to catch everything.

"Sir, with all due respect, calm down." Daren kneels down to be level with Sam. "I am proud of you though. Did you give that boy the lunch?"
He nods proudly, beaming with joy. He can't wait to tell Pops all about it!
"Good~" Daren smiles and stands back up. "Let's get you situated in the car."
Sam nods again, now taking his backpack off to put it in the car. Then he gets in to the back seat. Daren buckles him in. He then goes around to the drives side door and gets in. He doesn't turn the music on. He suspects that Sam wants to keep talking.

And he was right. The entire ride home, Sam is going on and on nonstop about how cool Jacob is and how Pops is going to be so proud of him.

Once they get home and Daren helps Sam out of the car, the kid grabs his bag and sprints inside. "DAD! DAD! GUESS WHAT?" He runs up the large staircase to his fathers office, bursting through the door. "I have a friend!"

The father was busy working on something, but he stops to give his attention to Sam, smiling a little. "You do?

Sam tosses his bag down and nods, running over to jump onto his father lap and hug him tightly. "I have a friend!"
The father chuckles softly, hugging the kid back. "Who is it?"
"Jacob! The boy I've been tutoring!"
"So our little plan worked~?"
Sam nods excitedly.
"See, I told you that if you found a way to have someone spend some more time with you, they would like you. You haven't been given a chance by anyone else, so you had to create that chance yourself. Good work, kiddo~ And you have actually been helping him academically, correct?"
"Mhmm! He passed a science quiz today because of a song we made!"
"That's wonderful~ Don't tell you mother."
"I won't."

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