I'm here for you

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Sam is away from school for several days. Jacob keeps looking every day, keeping an eye out in the halls and in the cafeteria, but the blonde is nowhere to be found. It's very concerning.

Eventually, he decides enough is enough, gets permission from his mother, and then stops by Sam's house after school a week after the incident. He walks up hesitantly and rings the doorbell.

Sam's father opens the door. He does not look good. It appears he hasn't shaved since the incident, and a bit of peach fuzz is starting to grow around his jaw. His hair is slightly unkempt as compared to his normal polished appearance. And his eyes have large bags under them from the lack of sleep over the past week. "... Jacob? I'm sorry, but he's not up for tutoring for a while. You're going to have to find another tutor."

"Oh, no, Mr. Broteez, I'm here as a friend. I saw the news and was starting to get worried when I didn't see Sam in school. Is it... Is it okay if I see him?"

After a long pause, the father nods and steps to the side, letting Jacob in. "He's in his room. Don't be surprised when he kicks you out."
"Thank you, Mr. Broteez." Jacob steps inside, taking his shoes off once inside. "Is there anything I can do to help you and the family?"
"Showing any form of concern for Sam is helpful enough. I'm going to get back to work..."

This... This is very depressing. The house feels so empty. Without the cheerful nature of Sam and his sister running around, the walls seem to loom over the room, the vast empty space almost suffocating.
Jacob takes a deep breath before heading up the large spiral staircase and walking down the hall to Sam's room. The door is shut. Usually Sam leaves it open...
He knocks on the door lightly. "Sam? It's... It's Jacob."


"I... I'm coming in, Sam." He takes ahold of the handle, twisting it as he slowly creeks the door open to peer inside.

Sam sits silently and unmoving on his bed, hugging a pillow to his chest. That innocent, carefree light has left his eyes, leaving them as empty and dreary as the house. They're also red and puffy. He has a few new scars and cuts scattered about his arms and face. His glasses have a crack in them. He has also lost some weight. He used to be a little bit on the chubby side, but not exactly fat or anything, but now he is clearly on the skinny side.

"S-Sam?..." Jacob shakily steps inside, scared to enter the room. Afraid to enter this dark atmosphere surrounding Sam. But... He has to. He has to help his friend. "I... I'm here for you..." He shuts the door behind himself. "Can... C-Can you look at me? I missed you..."

It feels like a knife has stabbed through his chest, and it's slowly being twisted the longer he looks at Sam for. It hurt to see him like this. He doesn't want to see him like that. But he must.

The blonde doesn't respond; it's like Jacob doesn't even exist to him.

Slowly, the older boy takes a few more steps toward the bed, climbing onto it. "Please... I... I care about you. A lot." He crawls over to where Sam is on the bed, reaching a hand up to gently tilt Sam's head towards him.
Sam flinches at the touch and quickly back away from Jacob.

Those cuts... Are they... Are they from the incident... Or are they from something else? Why would Sam be afraid of touch? He's normally quite affectionate, in fact.
"Sammy... Can I... Do I have your permission to hug you?" He wouldn't usually ask that, but in these circumstances, it seems appropriate. Giving the blonde the option to reject physical affection.

After several seconds, he nods. As soon as he does, Jacob scrambles over to pull Sam into a tight hug. "I miss you so much... You don't have to talk, that's okay. But just know I'm here for you. I will never leave you, no matter what. You can count on me to be there for you..."

At first, Sam doesn't hug the brunette back, but eventually, after a minute or so, he wraps his arms around Jacob, holding onto him tightly as a quiet sob escapes him. That quiet sob is another stab to Jacob's chest.

"Shh... I'm here for you. You can cry all you need to. I'll be right here."
"M-mom says I shouldn't cry-"
"Your Mom is stupid, don't listen to her. Crying is healthy and nothing to be ashamed of."
"Sh-She hit me..."
Jacob's heart stops. "How many times?"
"Sh-She was mad that I... I didn't sign the paper saying I... I killed..." He shakes his head, removing his glasses before burying his head against Jacob and crying.
"Sam, listen to me; that is not normal. If she hits you again, that is abuse. If you ever feel unsafe and need a place to stay, you can stay with me and my Mom. We may not be rich like you, but it's a place to stay."

This just makes Sam cry more. This is a lot for a ten-year-old to handle. "Why can't I wake up!"
"This isn't real; why can't I wake up!"

Oh... Oh no... The poor kid doesn't want to accept that any of this is happening.

"This isn't a dream. It is real. I'm sorry..."
"No, it's not!"
"Sam... What... What happened that day? Can you tell me? You don't have to if you don't want to." How much did Sam see?
"I... I was supposed to be watching Lindsey and Simon. We were in the woods. I looked away for one second, a-and she... She was being torn apart..."

He saw everything. The poor kid... And then he got blamed for it... How did it all go so wrong?
"I'm here for you now... Do you want me to stay over? I can call my Mom and tell her we're having a sleepover. And... Your Mom might not be as mean with a guest around."
The blonde nods.
"Okay. Then I'll stay here. I'll be here as long as you need." He rubs Sam's back softly. "Hey, want to know something interesting? Remember that song we made a few years ago? About photosynthesis? Well, the other day, a teacher caught me humming it to myself during class, and I had to explain to her what it was~"

That gets the tiniest chuckle out of the blonde, which makes Jacob's face light up. Sam could use a distraction from everything going on. He will have to keep finding little things like that to talk about until he can get Sam laughing.
"Hey! That's not funny~! You jerk~" He ruffles Sam's hair playfully, getting another little giggle out of him as he tries to bat Jacob's hand away. "Why are you still giggling~? That is so mean! I don't think I can let that slide~!"

Sam pulls away from Jacob, his face still damp from tears, but a tiny smile tugs at his lips as he shakes his head. He's no longer crying. "No, I'm sorr—"

"Not-uh! Get back here!" Jacob pulls Sam into a hug again, just to be able to start playfully spidering his fingers along Sam's sides, tickling him. The blonde squeaks and bursts out giggling, trying and failing to escape the older boy's hold.

"You needed to be taught a lesson, mister~!" Jacob chuckles softly and stops. He just wanted to be able to see Sam smiling like that.
Sam giggles and pushes Jacob's hands away. "I'm not the jerk, you are~" He snuggles into the other a little, in a slightly better mood than before. "... Thank you. For being here."

"Anything for you."

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