I don't use Profanity

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POV Aaron

I slowly open my eyes to see the ground, but this ground isn't what I am used to. It's dirty and smells like... well I don't even know what it smells like, all I know is that I don't know what it is. I open my mouth to yawn, but a sharp pain stops me in the middle of the act.

"OW!" I yell. The thing that was holding me stops and sets me on the ground. I look up, it's a little blurry but I could tell that it was Logan. He was breathing heavily and had blood all over hi shirt.

"Are you ok?" I shook my head no and began to examine my body. I was covered in blood, and I didn't know why. I tried to lift my arm and was greeted with more pain in doing so.

"look, you either suck it up, or I punch you again." Again? I nodded slightly and stood up. I was a little shaky, but it was getting a little better. We started to run, and run and run.... I don't know how long we ran. On the way, to wherever we were going, I saw many things that I had never seen before. Like trees and birds, I felt at home. 'This is were I belong' I thought.

We ended up sitting inside a diner that wasn't too clean. People looked at us weird, so I just kept my head down and ate these things called pancakes. they were so good... completely different from the slop that I usually got. It was sweet and warm, and when you put the butter on it, it tasted salty.

Logan just stared at me as I stuffed my face as smiled. I blushed slightly due to the act. NO one ever looked at me like that before him. I was used to cringes, or dirty smirks, nothing like this. Like the pancakes, it was sweet and warm.

The sever came up and winked at me, I blushed hard and looked down at my plate. He giggled and turned to Logan.

"for you it will be $7.95." Then he turned to me.

"For the pretty lady, it will be free." He thought I was woman? and how was I even remotely attractive when I looked like a bus hit me? I blushed even harder and looked down at my lap. Geez what was with me? Ever since the prison break I have been all flushed and shy. I have never been any emotion until now.

Logan cursed under his breath and stood up. He grabbed my arm and began to lead me out of the diner. The waiter caught up to us and stood in front of the door.

"You need to pay!" He wailed. Logan didn't say a word, he just shoved him out of the way and stormed out. His grip was pretty tight and it hurt, but I didn't want to make him any scarier by making him more angry. He tossed me on a nearby bike and got in position to ride. I instinctively held on and shut my eyes. I don't know how he got the thing going, but regardless we were riding down the road at high speeds.

"Don't ever let people treat you like your a piece of ass." I cringed at his language.

"But I got my food for free."

"I don't give a shit" I hate bad words.

"fine, but in order for me do not let people treat me like a piece of BUTT, (I made it a point to say butt not ass) YOU need to stop saying bad words." I us used what he said against him, even though I didn't know what being a piece of butt meant. Logan laughed and narrowed his vision on the road.

"fine." that was all we said on the ride.

A few hours later

We pulled up to a large building that seemed important. It was surrounded by many plants and had a large gate with an 'X' on it. To me, it looked rather terrifying. The gated opened as we pulled up and the Logan drove to a side building that held a lot of cars. We got off and he helped me to the entrance, I was rather weak and still in a lot of pain, but nothing that I wasn't used to.

When we walked through the door a few people, around my age sopped in their tracks and stared at me. I cowered into Logan's chest and took a deep breath. Logan completely ignored the people that were greeting him back, and walked me through the halls. He eventually led me to what looked like and infirmary. A woman with silver hair and darker skin looked up and hurried over to my aid. I basically fell into her arms, it seemed like Logan trusted her so I kind of just went with it.

She began to tend to my wounds, with outstanding care and gentleness. She was nothing like the doctors at the prison. I immediately grew attached to her, something about her seems right. In no time I was laying in a bed and eating real food while being treated like a king. I should get hurt more often. I was shoveling mandarins into my mouth when the door opened. I stopped and started at the man in the wheel chair roll in.

"how are you doing?" My ears perked up when I heard his voice.

"I know you... Don't I?" He smiled and nodded.

"we spoke at the Prison." I suddenly remembered that it was his voice that freaked me out earlier. My body tensed, but it quickly softened as Logan walked in behind the wheel chair guy.

"this is Charles, he is really good guy. You can trust him Aaron." I nodded slightly and bowed my head in Charles's direction. He bowed his head also.

"I have few people that want to meet you. Could I let them in?" I nodded and Charles lifted his hand. A group of people came in, some of them I recognize from earlier. One of them stepped forward and held his hand out. I Took it in mine and shook. I smiled remembering that I read this in a book once.

'A gentleman shakes another gentleman's hand.' is what the book said. If I remember correctly, it was called: "how to be accepted into society". I smirked at the name. I knew that I would be accepted into society.

"Hi I'm Joel." I looked up to see his eyes. He was beautiful.

My heart skipped a beat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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