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Hi guys.
Let's start today's chapter.

" How can be this possible? How did he get to know??? " Sumedh asked.

" I am not able to understand anything. Nobody knows about this except us and Manish sir. Then, who would tell him about our arrival??" Mallika said.

" Maybe the waiter told him. " Era said. " I don't think so he will tell anyone, because he knows it will be risky for him also." Radhika said. " Then, who could do this?" Taniya asked.

" Someone is doing it in our back which we don't know." Akash said. " Search the place properly. We may get any kinds of proof which will be helpful." Sumedh ordered.

They started finding the place. There were too much dust. Mallika was walking and looking around. She saw a small packet in a corner. She took it and saw it properly.

" Sumedhhh come here fast." She screamed. Sumedh and others ran to her." What happened Mallika ?? Why did you scream?? "Sumedh asked.
" See this." She gave the packet to him. His eyes widened to see that. " Drugs!" He exclaimed.

" What is this new problem?? What is drugs doing here?? " Radhika asked. " It means he not only sell gold bars but also supply drugs." Akash said. " He is a big player." Asish said.

" Drugs and gold bars! "Taniya exclaimed. " I can't even think which cheap extent he could go." Era said.

" We are folding new chapter with our every steps. We don't know how many shocks are waiting for us." Sumedh said.

" Let's go now. Here is nothing now." Asish said. " Ok, we should really go now." Mallika said.
All started going to their car. Suddenly Radhika felt something beneath her shoes. She bend and saw a phone there.

She took the phone and ran to them. " Guys, I got a phone here." Radhika said. " Let me see it." Mallika said and took it. " There are too many numbers here. Here is a recent call which was about 2 hours ago before our arrival." Mallika said.

" Culprit maybe too clever but clever player also makes mistakes. It will help us a lot for finding the betrayer . " Sumedh said.

" I will find the owner of this number. Let's go to office right now." Radhika said.

They were on the way of their office.
" Hey, I think I can't go to office now. I am having several stomach pain. It is hurting too much. " Asish said.

" Why?? Did you eat something wrong??" Era asked. " No. Maybe it is happening because of eating that biryani. I have eaten a lot. That's why my stomach is paining now. You guys please drop me at the home." Asish said.

" Ok then, sumedh turn the car to our residence. We will go to office after dropping him at home." Radhika said. Sumedh turned the car and dropped him at home.
" If you have any problem then call us. We are going." Mallika said. He nodded and they drove away.

At office -

" Find the real betrayer who backstabbed us." Akash said. " Hmm , I am trying to track it." Radhika said. They started talking about the case.

" I found it. He is " her words died in her throat. She couldn't believe her eyes. She became shocked and still. " What happened to you?? Who is he??" Mallika asked.

" Let me see. " Era said. She went and saw in the laptop. Her eyes become widened. Her situation was also like Radhika.

" What happened to you both?? Why you aren't replying??" Akash asked. Akash saw the name and his mouth hung opened.

" Now please you tell." Sumedh said. " He is Asish." . Akash whispered. All of them including Manish get shocked.

" Are you out of your mind???" Taniya asked as she couldn't believe her ears. She saw in laptop. It was clear that the owner of the number which they found is non other than Asish.

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