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Let's start today's chapter.......

After spending some time with each other, Era said,""Now we should go." Akash nodded and they both went to others.

" Love birds did you get some time for us also??" Taniya said. " Aree it's nothing like that." Era said and blushed. " The blush in your face says it all." Mallika said.

" Ok no more talks about it. Enough of love birds time. Now it is game time." Radhika chirped. " First let's eat I am damn hungry." Sagar said while rubbing his stomach. " Over acting." Taniya mumbled under her breath and rolled her eyes.

But Sagar heard it. " I know madam. " Sagar whispered to her.
They all had their dinner. All the favorite dishes of Era were arranged for them.

" It was too good. Specially the chocolate cake at last." Sagar said while licking his spoon. " Really it was delicious." Mallika said.

" Should we play now??" Radhika said being impatient. " Ok ok . But what will we play??" Sumedh asked.

" Let's play antakshari. " Taniya suggested. " No we will play never have I ever." Era said. " Should we play 21 questions??" Akash said.

" Truth and dare." Sumedh and Mallika said in unison. They both looked at each other. " Right we will play Truth and dare. " Ruhi said.

" Perfect. All please sit down at their respective places. I would spin the bottle first. " Radhika said.

First it went to Radhika and Taniya. Taniya had to ask question. " Truth or dare?" Taniya asked. " Truth."

" Who is your crush??" Taniya asked. " That lame question again. Don't you guys have some spicy interesting question??" Radhika replied annoyingly.

" First answer me I don't know right." Taniya said. " I don't have any crush. Everyone knows this well . " " It can't be true. You are hiding from me." Taniya said.
" I don't have anything to hide. Really I don't have any crush. My first crush was Oggy. " Radhika said.

" Ok spin again." Akash said. Now it was Mallika and Era . " So Mallika truth or dare??" Era asked. " Truth." Mallika replied.

" What was your first impression about Sumedh??" Era asked and smirked seeing Sumedh. Sumedh was shocked and looked at Mallika. " I thought him rude, egoistic,khadoos ." Mallika replied.

" Why so?? What did I do??" Sumedh whined. " Well you know that what you have done. You didn't even looked at me . I asked you something but you didn't reply. In classroom also you ignored me . So what should I think you ? A saint??" Mallika replied and rolled her eyes.

Sumedh pouted and said," it was not my mistake. I didn't know you that's why I didn't talk with you and about our first meet I was lost in you and didn't listen to your question. "

Then , he realized what he has said. They both looked here and there. Mallika was blushing too much. Everyone chuckled seeing them.

" Now what do you think about Sumedh?? Is he still like that??" Radhika asked. " No actually he is different than my thoughts. But he is moody." Mallika replied.

" I thought you will say you still think that about me." Sumedh said.

" Ok next." Taniya said. It went to Sumedh and Radhika. Radhika smirked seeing him. " Truth or dare. " Radhika asked.

He gulped seeing her because he knows what she can ask. " Dare."
" Good. So your dare is you have to propose someone." Radhika said. His eyes widened listening to her. " What kind of dare is it??" He asked.

" It's my dare. " Radhika said. " Ok whom I have to propose? " Sumedh asked. " Well Mallika?" Mallika's eyes got shot at her. ," There is a bottle behind you. Please give me that." Radhika said. Sumedh and Mallika both breathed in relief.

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