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Hi guys 🤠
Let's start today's chapter.....

They reached to hospital. Sumedh rushed to Doctor holding her in his arms. " Doctor please save her. She got shooted on her hands." Sumedh said nervously.

" Don't worry, I will take care of it. Ward boy bring the stretcher. " Doctor said. Sumedh placed her in the stretcher. They took her in the operation theater.

They sat in front of the OT. " Nothing will happen to Mallika . Keep faith in God. Doctors will save her." Radhika said. " I hope so." Sumedh replied. Radhika saw an another kind of emotion in his eyes. She understood that smiled in her mind.

" Sumedh you have a cut on your hand. " Taniya said. He looked at his hand and saw a big cut which was probably due to the fights.
" Let me call a nurse. She will dress up this." Radhika said.

" No need of that. It is nothing in front of her wound." He said in a low voice but they heard it. " We understand but this wound also need to be healed. Who will take care of Mallika now??" Radhika asked.

" I will take care of her." He said. " Then you should be proper fit and fine right. " Taniya explained to him and called a nurse. She cleaned and dressed up his wound.

After 2 hours -
The doctor came out from the OT. " Doctor how is she?? Is she ok?" Sumedh asked hurriedly.

" Mr Mudgalkar don't need to be panic. Mrs Mudgalkar is out of danger now but she had a great blood loss. We need to give her blood as soon as possible. Her body is weak. If we don't give her blood, we can't continue our work." Doctor explained.

They were so much lost in the talks that they didn't notice doctor called Mallika as Mrs Mudgalkar. " Now what should we do??" Taniya asked. " Try to arrange blood. We have arranged 2 bags . Still we need another bag blood." He replied.

" I will give blood. " Radhika said. " Are your blood group same with her?" He asked." Yes, doctor. We have the same blood group. " She replied. " Great then. Nurse take her to the room and collect blood. I am going to the OT. " Doctor said and went away.

" Thanks Radhika." Sumedh said. " What are you saying Sumedh?? She is my friend also, in fact best friend. I didn't do this for your gratefulness. Huhh " Radhika replied not expected the thanks from him.

" Ok ok I am sorry. I know I have done mistake. Please forgive me. I didn't said in that way. I know how much afraid you are from injections." Sumedh said.

" Better. I can do anything for my friends." She said and left with the nurse.
Sumedh went to the temple of the hospital and prayed to God.  "God please save my Mallika. What will I answer to aunty that I couldn't protect her. Aunty told me to take care of her. But I failed." He said and sliently cried.

After giving blood Radhika came to them. " Have drink the juice?" Taniya asked. " Yes ,I have." She replied. By the time Akash and Era also came to the hospital.

" Is everything ok there??" Radhika asked. " Yes , we have managed everything and sent all the things to police department. We also informed Manish sir on the way. He is coming." Akash said.

" Good." Taniya said. " But where is Sumedh?" Era asked." He had been praying to God for a long time." Taniya replied.

The doctor came out and called Sumedh. " Sumedh doctor is calling you." Era said. Sumedh rushed to him and asked " how is she doctor?" " Mrs Mudgalkar is good. Now, she is sleeping because of the medicine. You can meet her. " Doctor replied .

All breathed in relief but something came in Era's mind." What did you say at first doctor ?" She asked. " I said Mrs Mudgalkar is good now." Doctor replied. Sumedh realized it and become completely red in embarrassment.

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