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Hadrian watched closely, analyzing each and every sound and step the Dursleys made and took.

Their zombie like movements provided a sense of calmness, knowing that while his father had the curse on them, they could no longer hurt Hadrian.

Hadrian took comfort in the fact that his father was so protective of him, his mother too was protective, but his father didn't want to let him go again.

Especially not after what happened to his older brother.

Hadrian continued to watch the three, even as the hours ticked by on the clock.

His parents and his mate were due soon, and Hadrian got a giddy feeling in his gut at the realization that he was going to see his mate in less than two hours.

Taylor mewled in his head in happiness, the sound cause Hadrian to release a happy purr of his own.

"We should go get our stuff ready, right Hadrian?" Taylor linked.

"Might as well, we only have about an hour and a half to wait now." Hadrian replied, before standing from the creaky old chair and walking up the stairs to his 'room'.

His stuff was already packed for the most part, only a few stray clothes left laying around that were quickly folded and packed with a snap of the young wizards fingers.

His trunk floated down the stairs and sat beside the door, waiting for when the dark lord arrived to take him home.

Hadrian was so excited that he didn't realize the previously closed window, or the slight breeze moving throughout the room as he turned his back to leave.

He had no time to react when three men burst from his closet and stunned him.

Hadrian whimpered and a stray tear was released when he was grabbed and apparated to somewhere he did not know.

His parents would not have stunned him. He was scared, and Taylor was freaking out inside of his head.

The three men walked down a stone hallway before one whimpered a password and the stone wall parted, opening into a secret room.

The only things Hadrian could see in there were a dusty bed, what looked to be a bucket and chains. Lots and lots of chains.

Hadrians body released a loud sob as he was placed on the bed and his arms chained to the wall. The chains weren't very long, just enough so that he could walk away.

And don't think his eyes missed the hook on the ceiling when his stunned body was laid down. He knew what this was.

A torture chamber.

The three men looked satisfied with their work and left the room, the wall closing in on the only entrance, encasing Hadrian in darkness.

As soon as the door closed, the stunner wore off and he tried to stand up and use his wandless magic to get out of the chains.

But no matter how much he tried, his eyes never glowed as they did when he used the wandless magic, and his magical core felt drained with each attempt.

Hadrian sat back down on the rickety bed, breathing heavily. He had clearly over exerted himself.

All he could think to do now that he had no way to actually get out, was to curl into a ball and sob, wishing and hoping that his mate finds him soon.


Viktor happily left his room, going towards the front entrance hall to meet his soon to be in laws.

They were going to go and collect his mate now. And there giddy feeling in his stomach and the happy whines from his alpha did not escape his attention.

More than once he had stopped to poke his stomach to see his the butterflies would vanish, and had asked his alpha to stop whining, neither did however.

Only succeeding in making a small headache form. Still though, he was excited to see his mate again. He knew the order had already gone and checked on him and that he was still there, but a darker feeling soon overtook his happiness.

"We have to go now!" Viktor said as soon as he saw the dark lord and lady waiting for him.

"Hadrians in trouble. I Can feel it." Viktor said as he opened the front door snd walked outside, the parents of his mate walking quickly behind him.

Tom silently cursed himself for making the Ward line so far away from the door, and the three took off running.

As soon as they reached the boundary, Viktor apparated straight into his mate 'home'.

He was met with the sight of two large males and one skinny female walking around looking like zombies.

Viktor spotted Hadrians trunk by the door but no Hadrian was in sight.

Tom and Severus joined his just seconds later, trying to stop him from going berserk when his mate was not where he was supposed to be waiting.

Viktor tan upstairs, remembering the directions and descriptions that Hadrian had given him of his childhood 'home'.

When he bursted through the spare rooms door, he was met at the sight of a few droplets of blood on the floor, and multiple mixed magical signatures.

He let out a powerful growl and began tearing the room apart, starting at the bed.

"Viktor, please, we will find him. You have to calm down." Severus tried to reason.

But the berserk werewolf took no resining and lunged at whatever posed as a threat, that including his mates parents.

Tom quickly stunned the werewolf before he hit Severus and apparated him to a secured room in his manor.

A luxurious room it wash, but it was infused with dark magic to cause a creatures creature side to have to subside and allow its human side to take over.

Viktor curled into a ball and began crying, desperately trying to form a mindlink we it's his missing mate, trying to get any comfort that his mate was alive, and was hopefully somewhere where he could find him quickly.

He cried for hours, unknown to him, his Neko was doing the same.

They both cried until they fell asleep, both hoping to have the other back in each others embrace soon.

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