Liquid Courage

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"Fred, you should go home." Leah said as she put her books away. "You've been staying here for over three days."

Fred stopped her cleaning up as he placed his hands on her hips. "I like it here." He grinned teasingly.

"I figured." She chuckled. "But your family still lost you, so off you go. Minerva and I have things to discuss, anyway."

"But-" He pouted. Leah rolled her eyes as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled those pouting lips to hers, leaving each other breathless again. When she pulled back, Fred had a goofy smile plastered on his face. Leah bit her lip as she looked up at him, holding in a laugh, when the doorbell rang. She took Fred's hand and pulled him with her to the front door.

"Minerva." She smiled as she opened the door, she gestured the witch in. "Welcome."

"Mr. Weasley. What a surprise." The headmistress looked at Fred, who was standing behind Leah, his arms wrapped around her waist tightly.

"Minnie." He grinned over Leah's head. "I should be going. I'll see you tonight?" He turned to stand in front of her, as Minerva walked in.


"Alright, tomorrow?"

"No, I have to be in London for two days. I'll let you know when I get back, alright." She kissed him lightly.

"Fine." He grumbled. "Don't be too long, okay?"

"Okay." She shook her head smiling. "I love you."

"I love you." He kissed her again before he turned and skipped over to the cobbled street.

Leah turned back to Minerva, who had a sly smile on her lips. She huffed and waved her off as she closed the door behind her and walked back to the sitting area. Minerva took a letter from her coat and handed it over.

"The ministry agreed to open a floo here. This is the paperwork." She turned to inspect the fireplace. "I'll get started; we can talk about... everything later."

"Right." She already knew what else she wanted to talk about. "Would you like something to drink?"

"A glass of water is fine, thank you." Leah nodded as she went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and two glasses for the cupboard before she headed back to where Minerva was casting spells over the fireplace. She filled the glasses as she sat down and watched her work.

It didn't take as long as Leah expected and after ten minutes Minerva sat down next to her on the couch, accepting the glass of water Leah handed over. "I've got you some floo powder. If you run low, you can just get it at Diagon Alley. I connected the floo to my office, the Leaky Cauldron and the one in Hogsmeade station. Where else do you want to connect it to?"

"The twins flat, but that's it for now."

Minerva didn't say anything as she waved her wand at the fireplace, but Leah saw the twinkle in her eyes. After she made the last connection, she took a small box out of her coat and enlarged it. "I brought the rest of your things."

"Thanks, Minerva." She dragged the box in front of her. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Couple of things. First, how is your training going?"

"Good, charms and transfiguration come quite easily for me. But the other things..."

"Yes, maybe we should invite Hermione over, to discuss the tutoring position."

"Hmm." She hummed in agreement. "When?"

"I believe she has a day off today, maybe we can ask her to join us in a bit?"

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