In a Blink of an Eye

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After a week of almost not using magic, Leah finally made her way back to the castle for her tutor sessions with Hermione. Ever since St. Mungo's the healers discouraged her to use magic, since it needed time to build up again. So, what she did that week was helping out in the shop, making products with the twins in the backroom, going over to the burrow, where Molly would fuss about her and even had her first flying lessons in her yard with the twins, who insisted they both needed to be there. That week she concentrated on her game as since everything happened, had fallen on the backburner. She tried to work on it a couple of hours in the morning before she made her way to Diagon Alley. She made a promise to herself to calculate in time to develop her game, since she worked so hard on it and didn't want to let everything muggle go. But with Hermione and Harry nearby she figured that would never happen.

The weeks that summer went by quickly with her study sessions with Hermione, getting to know Harry better which meant spending a lot of time at either house or going out to the muggle world. George still let her help with making products with him to improve her potion skills, which to her offence had improved a lot. She liked helping Hermione to study for her NEWT's and the week she had her exams, she had spent it with her and the twins at her house as they went over her material and tried to get her relax from time to time. She passed with flying colours of course, to no one's surprise. Her relationship with George was progressing, slowly as it may, but George didn't seem to mind in the slightest as he was so besotted by the girl. Fred tried to make a mickey out of him, out of his lovesick puppy eyes, but George just countered that he was just as bad with Leah. While she watched that particular interaction she snickered, but her smile was so broad because George was right of course, but it didn't matter because she too was head over hills for the red head in front of her.

It was the end of August and Hermione was preparing her lesson plan for the year in her office at Hogwarts. She decided she would stay at Hogwarts and pop in a few times a week to see them, to see George. Leah had finished her first draft of the game and invited Harry over, so he could try it out with the twins. She was in the kitchen making tapas with George, who had never heard of them while Fred was closing up the shop with Lee.

"So, what are these called?" He pointed at the plate in front of him, with a slight crease between his brows.

"Empanadas. And you're making Calamari." She chuckled as he held a slimy piece in the air.

"What exactly is it?" He held it closer, giving it a whiff.

"Squid." She said as she rolled pieces of dough.

"Squid!?" George shrieked like a kid, dropping the squid on the cutting board. Leah looked at him surprised, surprised at his reaction at a piece of fish. With the stories she heard about him and Fred, she didn't expect that. After a second, she started to laugh, loudly, her voice echoing through the house. George pursed his lips before he took the piece of squid up again and let it dangle in front of her face. She tried to back away, still laughing but George grabbed her side, preventing her escape. Her eyes flickered to the bowl of uncooked squid and without even using her wand, she let it fly over to them, hoovering behind George. She heard the faint sound of the whooshing from the fireplace, only for Fred to appear a moment later. Fred's eyes sparkled with amusement as he saw the scene in front of him. His eyes found her and gave her a wink as he sat down on the kitchen island and propped up his head on his fist. She concentrated again, and the bowl went just on top of George's head. George, who didn't have any clue, still had a smirk on his lips as he dangled the single piece of squid in front of her.

"Sorry, Georgie." She gave him a lopsided grin. George cocked his head to her in confusion before the whole bowl tipped over on his head. Fred and Leah started to laugh like maniacs as George tried to flap away the squids on his head. Leah saw her chance and ducked away from George and rounded the island to kiss her boyfriend. Fred wrapped his arms around her waist and let her lean her back against him, both still looking at the frantic George. When George thought he had all the fish from his head and his body, he turned to them. They both started laughing again as they saw a single piece of squid still hanging from his ear. George picked up his wand from the counter but before he could do anything, the bell rang. "Saved by the bell." Leah grinned and hopped to the door.

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