Till the end of the line (Leah)

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A/N: What's up guys? Not a new chapter but a one shot. The news of Leah tearing her ACL hit quite hard so I started thinking of this chapter. It's related to the story. It's a bit about them growing up, but don't worry it's all pure fluff because we need that a bit now. I do at least. Anyway. Enjoy and hopefully you're ready for tomorrow 😊


"Now that I come to think of it, I don't think this is a good idea." I took a step back and hid behind my parents.

After a lot of whining and begging, not only from me but from family members and friends as well, my parents finally allowed me to go to London. A couple of weeks ago I received an invitation to do a test trial with the one and only Arsenal Academy.

You can already guess that my parents, although they were thrilled, weren't so eager to accept, unlike me of course. But here I am, standing near the field the young girls were training at. It was at this moment I remembered again that I hated new things and I hated new people. Obviously, I hadn't thought this through.

"You made us fly out to London so you could do the try-outs, we're in London so you will do the try outs." My mom pushed me forwards from behind her and gave me a daring look.

"But-" I tried to reason with her but the look I received told me to shut up, so I went to the only source that could help me. My dad. Puppy dog eyes were his weakness.

"Ella, listen to your mother." He simply shrugged, agreeing with her. Of course he would.

"Traitor." I mumbled under my breath and followed them to a tall, older looking guy.

He was the coach of the young girls that were currently doing some kind of warm up. Still sticking close to my parents, I let my eyes wander over the field, watching the girls complete their tasks.

"Hey Eleanore. It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard and seen a lot about you." I was snapped out of my gaze and focused on the man that was holding out his hand.

"I'm Derek. I'm the coach of these girls." He smiled at me friendly, which I returned and then shook his hand.

"Are you ready to join?" He questioned which I simply nodded to and he guided me towards the team.

"Come on, I'll introduce you. I have a feeling you'll fit right in." He grinned and blew his whistle causing all the girls to stop and look at us.

"Listen up girls. This talented, young girl has been invited for a trial run today. Make her feel welcome and help her where you can." He looked sternly at his group and then back at me.

"You like to introduce yourself?" he put me on the spot. Great, now I have to actually speak as well.

"Uhm, hey. I'm Eleanore Queen. I'm from LA and I'm a midfielder but I can play anywhere really. I uhm don't really mind but I guess midfield is my favorite position." I rambled on before shutting up completely.

One taller brunette glared at me. She didn't seem as friendly as most of the others. The others didn't seem too impressed, but unlike the taller brunette they weren't looking at me like they already hated me. Everyone, but the blond girl with the ponytail. She had a huge friendly grin on her face.

"Alright girls. Take your places. Leah, can you take Eleanore with you and explain the exercise?" Derek asked and took a step aside so he wasn't in the way.

"Hey, I'm Leah." The blonde, who apparently was called Leah, cheerfully introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Eleanore but you already knew that." I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, not really knowing what to do next but luckily for me Leah did.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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