First scene

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It was 2 weeks after Max woke up from her coma. The only person who was present in the hospital room when she woke up was Lucas. Within the two weeks shes been awake, Eleven has teamed up with eight to fight an army of demodogs. After they closed the gate, and the worst was over(or so they thought) El and Max thought it would be a good idea to have a sleepover just like old times.

Now here they were, on El's bed in Hoppers cabin with wonder woman comics open and spread across the floor.

"And then, I said 'Anglea!' And threw a rollerskate at her nose! There was blood all over her face and some police took me away but it felt great to unleash all my anger on someone.." El was telling Max everything that happened while she was gone.

Max was just listening and laughing at everything she said. She wished she could've been there to defend El from those bullies.

"...Mike was angry though. But I don't care. I enjoyed it." she giggled at the end and cuddled up closer to Max. "What did you do when I was gone?"

"Well," started Max. "I broke up with Lucas and I stopped talking to Mike and Dustin. Then I got really... well..."

"Depressed?" El cut in.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I learned that word from Hopper. He says it means really sad. Were you really sad?"

"A little..."


"Because I didn't have you." Max turned to face El and now they were face to face, staring into each others eyes. El started to lean in...


This was it. The moment I was supposed to kiss Millie. It was just one stupid scene. It would be over in a second. Its not even that big of a deal. What's one kiss gonna do?

Millies soft lips met mine. I felt instant regret in agreeing to do this. I couldn't move. One kiss felt like it lasted an eternity. If I could just stay there forever I would. It only took a few seconds for the director to yell 'cut!'

But Millie stayed there. She kept her lips on mine. She didn't stop until I pulled out. I looked at her and regretted stopping but I knew it would be weird if I didn't.

"The- uh- the... uh- he said cut" I stuttered and slightly slurred my words like an idiot.

"Oh, yeah... I couldn't really hear, sorry." she said, her face was the deepest shade of scarlet I had ever seen.

"Don't apologise. You did great." Shit. 'You did great'? I hate myself.

"The kiss or...?"

"Uh no, I mean the performance. Not saying the kiss was bad, it was great I mean..." I couldn't possibly hate myself more.


We sat there for two seconds just staring at each other. Her eyes moved to my lips then to my eyes. When she saw that I noticed, she looked around, trying to find a distraction.

"We should probably go get ready for the next scene." She said, getting out of the bed.

"Oh yeah, right." We both knew that was the last scene for the day for both of us but we went with it anyway to avoid any more awkwardness.

After that scene, I rushed to Mayas trailer. If anyone could talk to me and calm me down, its her.

When I got to her trailer, she was smiling and holding two shirts in two different shades of pink.

"Which shirt would look better on you?" she looked at both of them. "This one brings out your eyes but the other brings out your inner lesbian which is currently screaming for help."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and collapsed on the bed.

"Its okay, Sades. I had a crush on Natalia once."

I sat up. "Really?"


"But she's with Charlie."

"I know. I accepted that shes probably straighter than a ruler and moved on."

"Oh. That's kind of sad.

"Yeah, I guess."

I took a second to think about my own situation. "What about Millie?"

"If my gaydar is right, she's straight like a ruler. A flexible ruler."


I heard the director when he said cut. But I stayed in the kiss. Then I said we should go to the next scene. There isn't any scenes left to do today! God, I'm an idiot.

Now what? Do we both just move on like nothing happened? Who do I talk to about it? Noah? Noah has problems of his own. Yesterday he was talking about the guy he met at the coffee shop that he's super in love with. He went back to look for him but couldn't find him there.

Maybe Noahs problems are worse than mine and I'm just being over dramatic. Maybe all I need to solve this is a call with Jake.

I went back to my trailer and facetimed him. But he wasn't picking up. I tried calling him again but he didn't pick up again

A little suspiscous.

I texted his mom to see if she could check if he was okay. She said he wasn't answering her either. Then I got a little worried.

While you were making out with the girl you used to hook up with, your boyfriend went missing and could be dead. Well done, idiot.

I called some people at home who I knew could speak to them. No one could get through and I started to panic. Then I got a text from him.


Hey babe

Sorry I wasn't answering

I lost my phone:/


Oh its okay.

I just wanted to know how you are at home


Its great

It would be better if you were here tho:(

Miss u


Miss u too<3<3<3



Aww, theyre so sweet to each other...

..too bad Im the author

Not So Sweet~ A Sillie Romance StoryWhere stories live. Discover now