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Waking up early this morning was pointless because the first few scenes were between Charlie, Natalia, Maya, Jamie, Joseph and Joe.

The rest of us were pretty bored of waiting hours for our own scenes we decided to go to the beach.

The fact that we'd all packed hiking shoes and camp gear only to end up on a beach didn't help. Luckily there were some shops for tourists nearby with sunglasses and flip flops.

I stared down the long beach at the white sand and shimmering water. Rays of sunlight were scattered when they met the surface of the ocean. I looked at Sadie. She was looking up at the sky. The light rays went into her eyes as well, giving her ocean eyes little specks of green. If you looked close enough, her eyes look like tiny ponds with little lily pads floating around. She truly is gorgeous.

By the time Sadie and I got to the beach, everyone was in the water.

Caleb, Max, Noah and Finn were far from the shore, splashing each other with water. They looked like they were having fun.

I dipped my toe in the water. Not too cold. I kept walking.

Sadie, however, dipped her foot in the water and decided it was too cold.

"Nope. I hate water. I'm going back." she turned to go to the hotel but I grabbed her arm.

"Come oooon. It'll be fun." I said.

"I can't swim."

"I'll teach you."

"What if I drown?"

"You won't. I promise."

She tapped her chin in thought. "Pinky promise?" and she stuck out her pinky.

I laughed. "You're so immature."

I tried pulling her to the water with me, but she just stood there, her pinky outstretched.

"Pinky promise?" she asked again.

I rolled my eyes playfully but intertwined our pinkies anyway. "I promise to protect you from the water."

She smiled and took my hand.


Later on, we all decided to do some exploring around the hotel. We ditched the brochures and did the exploring on our own. Soon we found a pool area, a spa and a Vineyard where events are usually hosted and where a wedding was going to be hosted.

After everything, we all went back to the restaurant to grab a quick bite and then get changed into our clothes for the next scene.

We picked a table outside, close to the balcony. You could see the ocean from where we sat. It was absolutely gorgeous in the sunlight. I looked at Sadie to compare her eyes to the ocean water. The water was a darker shade of blue, with white foam at the top from the waves. Her eyes, however, were a dark blue close to the middle and gradually became lighter.

I didn't notice I was staring until she looked at me and caught me basically ramming my eyes into her soul.

We both quickly looked away. Shit. That's embarrassing. When I looked back at her face, it was slightly red. Mine probably was too.

I tried to look at something else. Oh look a guy sitting at a table alone. That's super interesting.

A woman (who looked like she was in her late forties but still looked hot in a mom way) sat down at his table.

Then it hit me like a brick. I've seen this lady before.

I tried to pinpoint where I've seen her when I noticed the man she was sitting with looked at me. I noticed first that he was about my age.

He narrowed his eyes to slits, staring at me. Then his expression changed to a smile. He waved at me. I waved back.

He said something to the lady and ten walked over to us.

"Hey Millie..." he looked at the rest of the people at the table. "...and the Stranger Things cast."

"Hey Louis." I smiled and motioned for him to sit at our table.




*squeals with absolute excitement*



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