The Beginning

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Derek was on a bus station waiting for his ride to the neighborhood.

Derek: Yes, That's my name.

Derek: Uh, Hi, I'm Derek. Derek Honey.

Zoe: Zoe Bashful.

Derek: So uh, you're moving to a place to live huh? I was about to move to a neighborhood. Where are you gonna moved to?

Zoe: I was going to move to a city.

Derek: Wow, I've never been to a city ever since my mom died.

Zoe: Your mom died?

Derek: Yeah, she had lung cancer, And uh, You know... All that.

Zoe: Aww, I'm sorry for how your mom died of lung cancer. My grandpa passed of sleep.

Derek: Aww, That's so sad to hear that your grandpa died of sleep.

Zoe: Yeah, It is sad to hear that. I guess...

The bus appeared and Derek and Zoe got on the bus. Derek scanned his bus pass and Zoe scanned hers too and they took a seat. The bus starts moving and Derek and Zoe starting chatting for a while. A couple of hours, the bus stopped and Derek and Zoe leaned forward and back.

Derek: I never expect that coming.

Bus Driver: -On speaker- Derek Honey, Do I see Derek Honey?

Derek: Oh, That's me! Sir...

Bus Driver: -On speaker- Derek Honey, You have reached your stop. Feel free to step off the bus.

Derek: Well, I'm guessing that's my stop! Nice meeting you Zoe, By the way! -Steps off the bus-

Zoe: Nice meeting you too! -Waves goodbye to Derek and the bus leaves-

Derek: -Waves and turns to the neighborhood and took a breath-

The Uber truck came in. And the Uber driver got off

Uber Driver: Sorry I'm late, Derek. I just have to drive all away to the station.

Derek: That's okay. Thank you for bringing my stuff around.

Uber driver: No problem, See you later. -Went to his truck and drives away-

Derek: Okay, I'm here. It's time to find myself a house to live in.

Derek is now on the neighborhood. He is looking around the neighborhood and he gets confused.

Derek: Wow, There's so many houses for me to choose. But I don't know which one is my favorite, though. -Sees Home in the eye- *wonders* (Why does a house have eyes?) Umm... Hello? Is there anyone here with you or not HERE with you?

Home keeps staring at Derek.

Derek: Oh, Not a talker. I see... Well, thank you for talking. I think...

Derek stood there and Wally appeared happily.

Wally: -Excited- Why hello there, You must be new in the neighborhood, Aren't you? My name is Wally Darling, And it is SO neighborly to meet you! -Smiles-

Derek: Um, hi, My name is Derek Honey, And I just moved here from my apartment because, Well, My mom passed away of lung cancer,  And that's why I wore this necklace where it had a picture of her.  -Shows Wally the picture of his mom on a necklace- You see?

Wally: -Feels sorry- Aww, I'm really sorry for how your mom died of lung cancer, Derek. But don't worry though, It'll be nice hanging out with all of your wonderful neighbors in the neighborhood, Don't you think?

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