2: His Father

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The golden-plated door which led to his father's chamber was opened for him by one of his father's men. He didn't say anything. He just walked in with his hands in his pockets, and stopped infront of a brass table, where a sturdy man was standing, backing him as he looked out through the broad glass window.

Damian kept quiet and studied the broad back of his father. His face was straight, hard and expressionless. He was waiting, waiting for this big man to open his mouth and start talking.

Unexpectedly, the man burst into soft chuckles which contrasted with his thick voice. Damian wasn't surprised when he heard the laughter. He had anticipated this. He was used to it.

"Good. Just as I taught you". His father began. "Always remain silent and keep a straight face before I start speaking". Then he turned around to face him.

With one look, one could say that Marshall was a lot more than a Mafia lord in his days. He must have been a thug, hooligan or something more. If you checked his wrist, you would see a tattoo drawing of a serpent. His neck had a jaguar tattoo. His face showcased a thick moustache on his upper lip. He had on a pair of gold-trimmed sunglasses. His face was chubby. His index finger, middle finger and ring finger had big golden rings on them, on both hands, and he had a big port belly.

Damian wasn't a fan of all of this. Infact, it bored him out, just staring at them. He wasn't his father. He was his own self and he was downright straightforward.

"I trained you well". Marshall continued.

"Why am I here?". Damian threw.

"As always, pointing out the......"

"Why am I here?". Damian stressed out, firmly.

Marshall looked at him for a while before looking back at the glass window. "What did you do to Mart's family?"

"That's my business"

"I was just wondering"

"This is my case. Why don't we mind what we deal with instead of prying into others dealings"

"You didn't kill them, did you?"

Damian frowned. "I don't shed innocent blood"

"But you kill innocent people who've been framed"

"Not after I do my research, then yes, I kill those who really are responsible for it "

There was silence. Damian knew his father was just catching some breath. And he was ready for whatever was gonna come out from him.

"The holidays are over and you're gonna go back to school"

"I know that"

"This is your third year"

"Can you stop beating around the bush and just spill it?"

"You already have too many enemies, son. I just don't want you to have a weakness that they'll use against you, and bring you down"

"I don't have any weaknesses". Damian already knew how much enemies he formed daily, but he wasn't someone that cared, as he knew they couldn't do anything to him.

"You will, if you let it"

"Hit the dart, dad". But he already knew what his father was driving at.

"If you let a girl into your life before you graduate from college, she could be your weakness"

Damian scoffed. "And who says I'm gonna fall in love?"

Marshall turned around to face him. "Damian...."

"Just 'cause you 'found' someone like mum, doesn't mean I will". This was the beginning of the new semester and his father was already telling him this. "I am a playboy. I use girls. I don't care about their existence"

Son of a Mafia lord: Now a Mafia lord himself Where stories live. Discover now