8: The class project

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    *Two weeks after the good news*

    Damian was settled in one of his classes, looking at the lecturer as he taught.

    From where she sat, as she studied his face for a minute, Melody knew that he wasn't paying attention, that he wasn't even here. If anything, he was thinking in his usual plan-hatching brain, for his rivals.

    After that afternoon, Lyon didn't agree to go to the bar he'd suggested earlier, and Damian knew; his guy was definitely catching up with that April of a girl. And this wasn't what he wanted for his men. Too many weaknesses. But he was only their leader. He didn't need to supervise their lifestyles.

    He would've to put their interests before him, even though he couldn't remember all his men's girls, as the kind of person that he was. Did he even need to?

    During which, he wasn't paying any intent attention to the lecturing lecturer, he was however surprised to hear his name called.

    When he looked at the lecturer with  a cold, bored expression, the man walked closer to him and whispered. "Mr Whall, you know you have to do something in this school to legit have your grades. It's how it is. I'm sorry." The man spoke with utmost respect but Damian continued to stare at him with that expression.

    The lecturer had no choice but to continue and it was then Damian realized that there was a group project and he had been teamed up with two girls.

    He clenched his fists. The lecturer had made him focus on such a silly  project. He had more important things to do than making paper planes and going on playdates with girls. Ugh!

   Meanwhile, when Melody heard she'd been teamed up with Damian and Kailin for their solar system and big bang theory project, she almost wept, literally! Why! Why was she given two arrogant and unserious students as partners. Just why!
  She couldn't hide her sadness as she scrunched up her face and looked down.

    "Hey." April nudged her by the side, causing Melody to raise her head up. April mostly appeared in some of Melody's classes, tho she was sure that she wouldn't do this project. Carla was a senior so she didn't attend these ones.  "Instead of feeling sorry and pity for yourself,  'cause of the team that got chosen for you, get up and play the team leader. You know they wouldn't take this serious if you don't charge up, and then you'll be the one to pay. They have nothing to lose." She nodded in the direction of Kailin and Damian.
     Melody groaned. "I know. I've been thinking about it too"

     "Then go with your thought!"

     "I will. Thanks Hay." She said in a teasing voice.

     "No problem Melo." April used the same tone, which made Melody to roll her eyes.
     She knew that was pinned from marshmallow which sounded unattractive to her ears.

     Soon, class was over and the lecturer walked out first, with students following after him.

     Melody sat still as she watched Damian, who was still on his seat, staring into nothingness, probably thinking again, and Kailin, who was busy staring fondly at Damian's back. Ok, not surprising.

     Melody shot up when she saw Damian stand up, and walked over to him.

     Damian sighed inwardly when he saw her infront of him. Of course, he was well aware of the team project stuff but wasn't so interested in any of it. "Oh, it's the goofball." He said, matter-of-factly.

     "I have a name", she told him gently, "and it's Melody."

      He tilted his head to a corner. "Nah, I like goofball better."

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