6: The army?

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The next day was a Sunday. There weren't any lectures. It was a good day, and time, for the girls to go to their friend's boyfriend's place of work, just right after Melody comes back from the church.

Thankfully, they agreed to go with her today. It wasn't really everytime or regularly April and Carla went to church and Melody had admonished them that it wasn't a good act in the sight of God Almighty.

Now they were in April's hostel room, looking at themselves in the mirror and taking a few seconds to be ready for where they were going to.

"Did you inform him about our arrival?" Melody asked Carla who was twirling infront of the long-lenthy mirror infront of her. She's been happy lately.

"I want to surprise him". Carla stopped to turn and face her.

Melody wasn't sure of that. "Do you think he'll like that?"

"Well......." Carla's voice trailed off. Her Rodriguez loved her to slits so she didn't think he'd mind what she was about to do. Besides that, this was her first time going to meet him in his place of work.

"Oh Melo". April stepped forward after searching in her closet and tapped her friend's arm gently, "stop being paranoid. There's no fun in it"

"I'm not being paranoid". Melody argued, playfully.

"That's enough. You're looking good. She's looking good and I'm looking good". April stated as she gestured with her fingers.

Melody looked them over. April did look good. Carla looked gorgeous and she looked as always in her eyes. This shouldn't be so bad.

"What's the worse that can happen?" April added hopefully.

"The worst that can happen is if he doesn't approve of my visiting him during work hours". Carla laughed nervously.

April groaned. "Ugh! Now you're being paranoid. Boooo"

"Just let's go". Carla let the nervousness out of her system and went forward, leading the way for her friends to follow. She didn't go out to meet Rodriguez last night after work. She was saving it for now.

The journey to her boyfriend's place was pretty far from the campus. Good thing they'd boarded a bus if not, Melody would have slumped on the sidewalk by now. Ok, not really, just exaggerating, but boarding a bus was still a good idea.

Now they were before a magnificent gate and it was marvelling. Even mostly reserved April had opened her mouth at the exquisite designs of the gate.

Melody looked up and down, assessing the really high structure of the black-silver coloured gate before peering through. There, in the centre of the huge, spacious compound, far away from the gate,stood a magnificent mercury coloured mansion.

Melody's eyes dropped at the sight. Carla's Rodriguez was really working expensive. Everywhere, everything was just exquisite.

By the sides of the compound lived thousands of beautifully gardened shrubs and in all the big shrubs, there was an incision written on them, which read: THE ARMY

Melody frowned in confusion when she saw that and turned her head to ask Carla,

"The name of the company is the army?"

April also saw this and her eyes went wide as she shot her head to look at Carla. "Your boyfriend is an army?" That was what normal people called Damian's men------ Armies.

Carla shrugged. "Well yeah, I don't see anything wrong with that"

"Carla, an army. You know what that means?" April's voice turned to a whisper, like she was afraid of something.

Son of a Mafia lord: Now a Mafia lord himself Where stories live. Discover now