Wine Night pt. 2 (reader x cassian x azriel poly)

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The next morning I woke up with my head on Cassian's chest and Azriel's leg pressing up between mine. I stirred slightly, yawning before laying my head back down and closing my eyes. Azriel pressed a soft kiss between my shoulder blades, leaning over to suck on my neck.

I hummed, nuzzling into him sleepily. I turned to him, lifting my head from Cassian's chest, who grumbled in his sleep, turning with me and placing a hand across my torso, tugging my backside back and against him. He ground into me slightly, already hard.

Azriel brushed a strand of hair from my face, giving me a soft sleepy smile. "G'morning, baby," he said. If I'd thought his voice was hot normally... His voice in the morning when he was still sleepy was godly, holy. He pressed his lips to mine gently, giving me soft slow kisses, lips caressing mine.

Cass leaned over to suck on the side of my neck that Azriel had neglected earlier. His hand that held me against him slowly trailed upwards until he palmed my breast in his huge hand. He hummed against my skin in delight.

We were all already naked from the night before, soaking in the sweet intimacy of our skin on one another's. My leg lifted to wrap around Azriel's hip as his lips parted, tongue caressing mine. He tasted divine. I would never get enough of him.

"Atta girl," he whispered against my lips, tugging me closer to him, hand rubbing slow, long, looping circles up and down my thighs. Cassian still sucked at my neck, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine. He twisted my nipple between his fingers. I moaned into Azriel's mouth.

A loud knock sounded at the door.

"Az??" It was Morrigan. His head fell back to hit his pillow in annoyance.

"Maybe if we ignore her she'll go away," he groaned, leaning forward to rub his hand along Cassian's arm as I nestled into his chest.

The handle to the door jingled.

"Azriel, why is your door locked? Your door is never lock-" Her voice stopped abruptly. "Ewwww, Az. Who is in there? Gods, you Illyrians." Her voice went quiet and I thought for a moment we might be cleared until an even louder, flat-palmed banging came from the door.

"Now, Azriel," Rhysand commanded. "All of you have five minutes to be downstairs. Feyre cooked breakfast for everyone and you're being rude."

I could hear Feyre's sweet small voice fussing at Rhys to leave Azriel alone and be nice.

Cassian groaned loudly. "I'm gonna fucking kill them all."

Azriel slid out of bed first, and the two of us watched him lazily as he dressed.

"And I'm just supposed to go have breakfast knowing you look like that under those leathers?" Cassian asked, cursing under his breath as he ran a hand along his face. "Fucking hell."

Azriel gave us both a shy smile. He dug through his top drawer, tossing me one of his t-shirts that smelled like him and a pair of his sweatpants. I beamed and I could have sworn he blushed. He mussed his hair, heading into his bathroom and I heard the water start running.

I pulled Azriel's shirt over my head, tugging his sweatpants on and rolling the waistband a few times so they fit better. Azriel walked back out of the bathroom, stopping in his tracks before he even passed the threshold. His toothbrush hung out of his mouth as his eyes absolutely caressed my body in his clothes.

"Gods, you have no idea what that does to me," He said under his breath, shaking his head and walking back into the bathroom to finish his morning routine. Cassian and I do the same, the three of us lined up, brushing our teeth in the huge bathroom mirror. We all kept giggling, toothpaste spilling from the corners of our mouths.

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