14. Carla

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When it came to my mother, I couldn't help but feel like a boat untethered, adrift in a vast and unpredictable sea. Whenever she interrupted my life, leaving as quickly as she entered, I often felt this overwhelming sense of abandonment.

I scolded myself for feeling that way when I had Dante. When I had my friends...? I wasn't alone in this world.

"Your mother is hiding something."

I looked at Dante. "I know, and the other thing I know is that she'll be back. It's not like her to ask for my help."

My phone rang on the coffee table and I saw Eva's name pop up on my screen. I quickly answered.

"Hey," I said.

"Oh Carly, you're awake?"

Eva only ever called me Carly when she was worried about me. Right now, I heard something else in her voice too, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"I'm awake," I said, smiling.

"And are you back home yet? I swore I just saw your mother leave your house."

I sat up in my chair as the hairs on the back of my neck rose in suspicion. "You're in Badalona?"

"Yes, we never left."


"Mad and Jen are here too. We wanted to visit you at the hospital but Dante wouldn't let us. He acted like we were the cause of your seizure, like what the heck."

"It wasn't just a seizure, Eva. It was alcohol poisoning."

"What, but we barely drank! You had two glasses of mimosa. That doesn't make any sense. I saw the way you went down. It was intense and scary. I doubt a little bit of prosecco and orange juice could have caused that."

It seemed absurd when she put it like that, but at the same time, a part of me couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about that day. I remembered feeling lightheaded after the first glass of mimosa, but I had shrugged it off. The second glass - or was it the third - had made me dizzy, and then everything had gone dark.

"The doctors found something else in my system too," I whispered like I was scared to say it out loud. As I spoke, I noticed Dante's expression darken. He stood from his seat, slowly making his way toward me, his eyes latched onto mine.

"Oh wait, what's that pregnancy hormone called again? Please, tell me that's what they found. I've heard of pregnancy seizures before."

"Eva, I'm not pregnant."

"That's too bad because I would be an amazing godmother."

I laughed. "Yes, the best."

"So, what did they find?"

Dante stood next to me, a dark glare on his serious face. He held his hand out and I stared back at him in confusion.

"The phone," he said, "Give it to me."

"I'm in the middle of a call."

"With a suspect." He didn't wait for me to comply. One second the phone was in my hand, and the next, it was in his. He put the call on speaker before talking. "Hi, Eva. I'm glad you called to check on Carla, but I think it's best if you and the other girls keep your distance for a bit."

"Keep my distance? Not happening. She's my best friend. You refused to let us see her in the hospital, and now that she's home, you won't even let us talk to her?"

"You are suspects, and once I don't have answers as to who and why, I need you to stay away from my wife. All of you."

As I looked at Dante, his eyes locked onto mine, and I saw the intensity and determination in his gaze. He was going to get to the bottom of this, no matter what. A part of me was grateful for his protectiveness, but another part of me couldn't help but wonder if he was accusing my friends unfairly.

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